Forex Trading Information

FOREX :-the foreign exchange. market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market with the daily volume of more than $3.2 trillion.Trading on this market involves buying and selling world currencies taking the profit from the exchange rates difference

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Introduction to Technical Definitions,Types of Forex Orders,Trade Intervals

 you will see here:-
Technical Definitions  ,Types of Forex Orders,Trade Intervals
so lets gooooooo

Technical Definitions

Trading Platform
A trading platform is, along with the charts, one of the most important tools that a trader will be using while trading on the Forex market. By definition, a trading platform is an exchange account where you can buy and sell a currency.

Entry Stop

An entry stop is executed when the exchange rate breaks through a specific level. The client placing a stop entry order believes that when the market’s momentum breaks through a specified level, the rate will continue in that direction. The execution of a stop entry order may involve a limited degree of slippage, usually two pips or less.

Entry Limit
An entry limit is executed when the exchange rate touches (not breaks) a specific level. The client placing a limit entry order believes that after touching a specific level, the rate will bounce in the opposite direction of its previous momentum. Limit entry orders are always executed at the specified level.

Types of Forex Orders

Market Order – An order where you can buy or sell a currency pair at the market price the moment that the order is processed.

Example: If you are looking to place an order for JPY when the dealing price is 104.00/05, a market order will request to buy JPY at 104.00 or will request to sell JPY at 104.05.

Entry order – An order where you can buy or sell a currency pair when it reaches a certain price target. In theory, this can be any price. You can set an entry order for the low price of a time period or the high price of a time period.

“I want to buy this currency pair at a certain price, if it never reaches that price, I don’t want to purchase the pair”.

The entry order allows you to choose a price and place an order to buy at that price.
Stop Order - An order that becomes a market order when a particular price level is reached and broken. A stop order is placed below the current market value of that currency.

Example: If you have an open buy JPY position, which you bought at 104.00 and you want to set a stop order in case JPY’s value starts to depreciate (to stop your loss). Since the JPY’s currency appreciates when the dealing rate moves from 104.00 closer to parity with the USD (102 JPY/1USD), a movement in the opposite direction would necessitate a stop order. For instance, you could set a stop order rate to sell JPY at 103.50, thus closing your position at a 50-pip loss.

Limit Order - An order that becomes a market order when a particular price level is reached. A limit order is placed above the current market value of that currency.

Example: If you have an open buy JPY position, which you bought at 104.00, and you want to set a limit order to protect your profit, you would set a limit order at a number, which indicates that JPY has appreciated, such as 104.5. When the market reaches 104.5, your position will automatically be closed, resulting in a 50-pip gain.

OCO Order – One Cancels Other. An order placed so as to take advantage of price movement, which consists of both a Stop and a Limit price. Once one level is reached, one half of the order will be executed (either Stop or Limit) and the remaining order canceled (either Stop or Limit). This type of order would close your position if the market moved to either the stop rate or the limit rate, thereby closing your trade, and, at the same time, canceling the other entry order.

Example: If you have an open buy JPY position, which you bought at 104.00, and you want to set a limit and a stop order, you could place an OCO order. If your OCO limit rate was 103.5 and OCO stop rate was 104.50, once the market rate reaches 103.5, the original JPY position would be closed and the stop rate would be canceled.
If Done Order – If Done Orders are supplementary orders whose placement in the market is contingent upon the execution of the order to which it is associated.

Trade Intervals

The chart software will list, for each interval, an open price, a low price, a high price and a close price. The open price is the price at the beginning of the period. The low price is the lowest price achieved during the period while the high price is the highest price achieved during the period. The close price is simply the last price achieved during the period.

You can choose the time interval that you would like to trade under. Possibilities are: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 4 hours, daily and week.

The larger the time interval is, the wider the price movement will be. For example, you should expect to see a higher price gain from a trade entered using daily charts than you would normally see when using 15 minutes charts. The daily chart based trade may take weeks or even months to run its course On the other hand, the 30 minutes charts will have higher profits then the 15 minutes charts. However, you can get more profits in trading more trades using the 15 minutes charts.
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