Forex Trading Information

FOREX :-the foreign exchange. market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market with the daily volume of more than $3.2 trillion.Trading on this market involves buying and selling world currencies taking the profit from the exchange rates difference

Make Money With Google AdSense

Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site.In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.


do you need for CREDIT CARD??so what Type of Credit Card You are Interested in. do you know what the best card to you?. let me show you the world

What is loans?

Loan is an amount of money advanced to a borrower, to be repaid at a later date, usually with interest.legally, a loan is a contrat between a buyer (the borrower) and a seller(the lender)more.

What Does Network Marketing Actually Mean

If you have ever been interested in starting a home business then most likely you've heard about Network Marketing. Although the Network Marketing industry has been receiving massive attention lately because of the Internet, Network Marketing is not new and has been a concept that has been around for more than 80 years

What Type of Business Should You Start

You have made the decision to start a business. Now you are asking yourself, "What type of business should I start?" let me help you.


Get Paid and Get Growing

Your budget should not be dependent on whether or not people pay, but how many products you
sell or how many customers use your services. It shouldn’t be a competition of who can hold out longer, but who can fill the needs of their customers.

The proficiency of technological systems has eased financial burdens from the shoulders of small business owners. Too many small business owners want to fight against the system with manual efforts, when the solution is just a computer system away.
If you’re going to double your sales, you need the money to run and grow your company.

Get Paid and Get Growing
keywords:-Get Paid ,Get Growing,dependent, financial burdens,manual efforts
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Automate Your Financial Tasks now

Okay, here is another reason I love technology! I see so many people trying to create their own invoices and send them out. Each time that happens, I shake my head at the tediousness of it
all. Some people refuse to use new technology. However, those small business owners that understand how liberating software automation can be are the ones who will significantly increase their revenue.

With the right type of system, small business owners can not only create invoices, they can track payment histories and manage any number of payment plans. Small business owners can be alerted of upcoming or past due payments.

Furthermore, your system should be able to instantly produce reports for you. Learn which
products are selling best. Discover what your sales totals have been for a particular month. In
other words, the system can do it all for you, whether you’re an accounting genius or not.

keywords:-businesses,Automate ,Financial Tasks,revenue,create invoices
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

few financial rules that small businesses, serious about growth, need to follow.

There are a few financial rules that small businesses, serious about growth, need to follow.

1-Payment expectations should be consistent and clear to customers

2=When possible have a no payment-no product policy

3-Have a systemized collections process

Automate the Collections Process

When you use technology to track payments, or missed payments, the effort to collect on past due payments is removed from your shoulders. Let your system work for you,
sending out late notices, second notices, and final notices automatically. A good system can even send automated notices to a collections agency should you choose to use one.
*Note: When you also incorporate a method for credit card processing, the collections issue will be minimized. Credit cards guarantee an instant payment. You don’t have to worry that you’ve received a worthless check, or that you’ll never be paid.

A frustrated woman called our office a couple of weeks ago. She taught music lessons for a living. After receiving piles of bounced checks, she decided to implement Infusionsoft. Now, all of her clients have their credit card information on file with her. The credit cards are automatically scheduled to be charged once a month, and the small business owner always gets her money. 

One more word of advice, if you are using credit cards for recurring payment needs, be sure your system can notify you of failed card charges.

keywords:-businesses,serious about growth,small businesses,financial rules, systemized collections process,-Payment expectations,systemized collections process
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Put Your Finances on Autopilot

Small businesses must put manageable, workable systems
in place. I want you to fully embrace the benefits of technology. Technology can turn the financial nightmare into simple, predictable processes…that will work every time!
keywords:-businesses,Finances manageable ,Technology ,financial ,predictable processes
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

The Overhead Management Nightmare is there solution?

Now, not all financial problems are because the consumer doesn’t pay. The money side of business can be a hairy task to undertake. If you only have one or two customers, managing your finances will be easy. It’s when you start tackling hundreds of accounts that money management becomes overwhelming.

In addition to budgeting, taxes, and creating invoices, small business owners have to keep accurate records of incoming funds and their own expenses. And, with so much accounting work to do already, who wants to mess around with payment plans, credit card transactions, and other payment methods? Even if it means missing out on opportunities to make more money.

And let me throw one more pain in there. (Then I promise I’ll stop.) What happens when someone wants a refund? Does your financial system come tumbling down?

Manual Systems Don't Work! You must get a better system in place!
Most small business owners use QuickBooks or some
other “accounting” software to manage their finances.
Unfortunately, the majority of these programs require
small business owners to dedicate unavailable hours to
manually input and calculate transactions. Eventually,
small business are going to make mistakes.

Ironically, the more you sell, the more financial management you’re dealing with, and the less time you have. So, I’m going to scream this as loud as I can until it reaches the ears of every small business owner:

-Follow-up on failed payments
-Process the payment
-Customer pays invoice
-Invoices set up per timelines
-Agreed on Payment Plans
A Manual System Requires Manual Follow-up

 © 2008 By Clate Mask
keywords:-Manual Systems,system in place,Overhead Management Nightmare,Management Nightmare,Nightmare,payment method

When The Cash Isn’t Coming In what we should to do

 Consumers are in a juggling act!

Often, the small business owner compensates the lack of funds by using their own bank account to pay the additional (and completely unanticipated) expenses. When that runs out, you, like the consumer who doesn’t pay, start wondering how long it’s going to be before the companies you’ve purchased from come after you.
We’re becoming a nation
of late payers as heavy
debts force businesses to
pay some bills one month
while others are held over
to the nex
- Bonnie Thayer
Bonnie Thayer, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self Employed, said, “We’re becoming a nation of late payers as heavy debts force businesses to pay some bills one month while others are held over to the next.”
Quite simply, the major reason for business failure is bankruptcy. Or, if it doesn’t get that far, small business owners wind up with unpaid financial obligations they wonder how they’re going to repay. Without enough capital, a company cannot make their product. If they can’t make their product, they can’t sell. If they can’t sell, they’re not making any money. End of a sad story.

keywords:-businesses,Cash Isn’t Coming ,CEO of the National Association ,Consumers are in a juggling act!, Consumers,Cash,heavy debts
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

what is Collections is a Full Time Job means?

When was the last time you “loaned” somebody money? Whether it was last week or last year, have you gotten the money back yet? (If you did, pretend you didn’t so that you don’t ruin my object lesson.) So you haven’t gotten the money back? I’m not surprised. You see, it’s not human nature to part with money…even when it’s not yours to begin with.

If you’ve ever read anything by Robert Kiosawki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), you will quickly be cured
of any urge to lend people money. And the same reason you shouldn’t lend money is the same
reason small business owners struggle with their finances...because few consumers have any sense of financial responsibility. Most people would like to have everything, NOW, without working or paying for it. They’re getting more and more in debt, and less and less able to pay their bills.

And when it’s your small business that winds up unpaid, you’re forced to track down your customers in an attempt to get your money. Or at least part of it. In the meantime, hundreds of
dollars are being bypassed, because you have to stop growing your business to collect on late payments or bad checks. You start with phone calls, then letters, then, if you still want the money, you are forced to contact a collections agency (and in doing so, drum up additional fees).

Unpaid finances can take months to collect on. Months when you are struggling to keep your head above water. Months when you have a million other things you should be managing. Small business owners can get so caught up in being paid that they aren’t making any money at all.
keywords:-businesses,Collections is   a Full Time Job, unpaid,loaned, money
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

equation to Collect the Cash

Wouldn’t it be nice if every time you sold a product or service, you instantly received the money from that sale? It would be nice if money came in and money went out in a regular, predictable pattern. But that’s not how it works. When running a business, the financial overhead alone is enough to make you throw your hands up in the air and quit. But you don’t, so that’s why our next building block is all about money.

When I say “Collect the Cash,” I’m not just referring to the sell. Like everything else in your small business, it’s a little more complicated than that. Sure, it still encompasses the ability to collect on sales. But in addition to collecting money, this building block discusses credit card processing capabilities, collections, payment plans, invoices and notifications, and other money matters.

Many marketing experts tend to skip this strategy in their books, or at their conferences.
Because everybody understands it is money that makes the business world go round. It all seems self explanatory. Right?

Well, if collecting the cash is such a simple step,
why do so many small business owners wind up losing everything they’ve got and then some?

so we will speak about cute equation:-

Credit Card Processing +Collections +Payment Plans and Invoices +Noti cations = $$$$$$$$

 © 2008 By Clate Mask
keywords:- small business,Collect the Cash,payment plans, invoices and notifications,money matters,Credit Card Processing,collections

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