Forex Trading Information

FOREX :-the foreign exchange. market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market with the daily volume of more than $3.2 trillion.Trading on this market involves buying and selling world currencies taking the profit from the exchange rates difference

Make Money With Google AdSense

Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site.In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.


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What is loans?

Loan is an amount of money advanced to a borrower, to be repaid at a later date, usually with interest.legally, a loan is a contrat between a buyer (the borrower) and a seller(the lender)more.

What Does Network Marketing Actually Mean

If you have ever been interested in starting a home business then most likely you've heard about Network Marketing. Although the Network Marketing industry has been receiving massive attention lately because of the Internet, Network Marketing is not new and has been a concept that has been around for more than 80 years

What Type of Business Should You Start

You have made the decision to start a business. Now you are asking yourself, "What type of business should I start?" let me help you.


You Got the Prospect to Buy-Now What?

 You Got the Prospect to Buy-Now What?

To turn your prospect into a customer, keep it simple, keep it short, and keep it interesting. Make your message the one that stands out and answers the question: why you? If you can follow these techniques, you will have more customers than you know what to do with. And, with that many more customers, how much money will you be pulling in?

I’m sure you’re tallying the extra cash in 
your head right now. But I’m not finished. I’m not even close to being finished. You can  still do more.There are still additional ways to pull in more income.

In the next chapter, I am going to teach you how you can win lifelong customers--and further increase your revenue.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Reveal Your Personality in your business Show, Don't Tell

 Reveal Your Personality in your business  Show, Don't Tell

I’ve saved the best conversion technique to the end, because I am so excited to talk about it. At the risk of overloading you with suggestions, the one final method for converting your prospects and moving them through the sale is: Show, Don’t Tell. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the time to approach each one of your prospects in person? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could sit in front of your prospects and share your product with them?

Imagine being able to sell face-to-face without having to work yourself half to death. With webinars and demos, your prospects can be part of your direct sales pitch from the comfort and privacy of their own home or office. With webinars and online demos, they’re just a few mouse clicks away from listening to all the information you’re “willing” to impart.

Our most successful method for getting people to purchase Infusionsoft is by “showing” them
what Infusionsoft can do. When we send campaigns, our goal is to get the prospect to an online
demo first. After that, selling becomes a whole lot easier.

Reveal Your Personality 
• Use conversational language.
• Laugh at yourself and your mistakes.
• Don’t compartmentalize your business and personal lives--discuss the “stuff” of your personal life with your prospects and customers.
• Talk about what you like, what interests you, what annoys you.
• View prospects and customers as friends.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Get Personal or Why People Love Snakes

 Get Personal   in you work or Why People Love Snakes

Another tactic for selling to your customers is to offer more of yourself. If you want phenomenal
results you need to give your prospects what they want. And what they want is you. They want
your personality. They want you to be real with them. They want you to be straight up, helpful,
and sincere. They don’t want the slick salesperson. They want your spin, your angle, your advice,
your perspective. What they don’t want is corporate dribble or pushy salesmen.
It’s kind of funny. All those clichés about being yourself and finding your groove and letting your
light shine are all at the heart of “Convert your Funnel.”
Think of the way Steve Erwin managed to get thousands, even millions of people to love snakes. I’m not saying that watching his nature show made me want to jump out and hold one. All I am saying is that by sharing his love of snakes and other reptiles with the world and by being himself, the Crocodile Hunter in effect made reptiles appealing. Or at least appealing to watch. If you can put that much of yourself into your products and sales, you will draw all kinds of interest.
Build Your Own Fan Club! Share what you know

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Content Rich Materials Add Value AND Revenue to your business

 Add Value & Add Revenue
I want you to keep one thing in mind. Content rich materials. Obviously not all of your followup material is going to be centered in valuable information. Sometimes you just need to inform your prospects you have a sale coming up or that the offer you presented before is going to expire. However, a good portion of your follow-up materials should be valuable to your customers.

Let me clarify what I mean by valuable. Value does not include discounting your prices or offering free bonuses. Those tactics certainly work. But any company can do that. The value I am talking about is any knowledge you
impart to your prospect that they will appreciate.

Let me give you a few examples. If you run a sporting goods store, you might choose to send an email letting your customers know the dates for the upcoming X-games. You’re following up with your prospect. But in this case, there is no sale. (At least not an apparent one. You are always selling.)

What if you are a mortgage company?
Rather than start tooting the “we have the lowest rates” horn, perhaps you could send a report that explains the
differences between adjustable and fixed rates. Think of all the individuals who have recently lost their homes because they got loans they were unable
to pay. What if you were the one company that took the time to educate your prospects? It would certainly set you apart.

Quick word of warning: valuable follow-up messages should be interesting or informative. Determine beforehand what information your prospects could benefit from and send that.

Adding value assists you in creating more customers in three ways:
1) You’re keeping your name in front of the prospect. Converting your funnel can only
be done if you are following up. (Didn’t I tell you the building blocks and “secret”
needed to be implemented together?)

2) Your prospect will think of your consideration the next time they buy products like
yours and a sense of obligation will encourage them to visit your store.

3) You’re building trust. The strong relationship you build with your prospects will
carry on once they are your customers.

The value technique allows you to give your prospect something without
adding the fear of the “hard sell.” Get them used to reading your emails or
direct mail pieces without attaching it to the reflexive “No!” Because in this
case, there is nothing to say no to. Let them grow comfortable with the information
you’re “handing out,” and then drive them to the sell later.

Your first step is simply to become the welcomed guest. Think of that guy you invite to all your
parties because he always has such interesting stories to share. This could be you--the person
everyone wants to be around. Because you have so much to offer.

Creating valuable content doesn’t have to be complicated either. You know more about your product than anybody else. Share what you know. Throw in those fun facts, and interesting stories, and you’ll quickly build a fan club. There is a world of possibilities when it comes to sending valuable follow-up marketing materials. Such as:

• Free Reports
• Free Whitepapers
• Downloads
• Emails with tips, tricks, and stories
• Links to news articles
• Newsletters
• And just about anything else!

With valuable content, you have your foot in the door. You’re coming in as the welcomed guest, rather than the unwanted pest. Now, let’s do what you’re really there to do…build the relationship and make the sale!
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Are you crazy? why you use Valueless Messages in business ?

Valueless Messages Companies continuously try to “force” people into buying their products. They don’t know how to do anything else. They’ve got a product, they need it sold, so they’re going to take the most direct approach and keep trying until they find someone who agrees to buy. But is it a matter of sell at all costs? Selling shouldn’t be painful.

In order to make the sale, small businesses must answer the question: why you? Why should
your prospect choose you as the company to do business with? What have you offered them that others can’t?

Usually, the answer is “nothing”. Whatever you are willing to give, another person is willing to match.

For example, if one dentist gives away a free toothbrush with every visit, another dentist gives a toothbrush and toothpaste. Still another hands out a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a two-minute egg timer. And so it continues, because none of the dentists are differentiating themselves or offering what other dentists are not. None of them are really offering anything of value. They are not giving their prospective patient the “why me” answer they so desperately want. “Choose me, because I’ll give you a free toothbrush” is not an adequate reason for picking a dentist.

Prospects are searching for value. Value they usually don’t find in typical
marketing messages. Value that small business owners are neglecting to
include and therefore failing to differentiate themselves.
When it comes to spending money, if you don’t stand out, if you don’t give the prospect a real reason to buy, they won’t. Despite the money Americans are willing to spend, you, as the small business owner, must draw them in and convince them that your business is the place to spend it.

The following three sections provide you with three conversion techniques
that do precisely that.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

In business Never Trust a Man Who Says, “Trust Me!”

By this time, you should be thinking about how you are going to fill your funnel.
You should also realize that you need a follow-up system in place in order stay
in front of the leads you generate. Now this chapter relies heavily on our secret
of mastering the moment. In fact, the process of turning prospects to customers
depends on your ability to execute the secret faithfully.

When you choose to interact with your prospects through follow-up, the messages you send
need to have a purpose, or some value attached in order to be effective. That is precisely what
“Convert Your Funnel” refers to. It addresses the type of messages and sales tactics that you use to move prospects down the funnel and finally convert them into customers.

This process is often referred to as sales force automation. It includes everything in the sales
process, such as, keeping and updating prospect information, a contact tracking system, and the valuable information you provide your prospects. In other words, it’s every effort you make to
turn prospects into buyers. (That includes providing a lot of “moments” to master.)
Never Trust a Man Who Says,
“Trust Me!”

You can no longer place a product on the market, give it a price tag, tell your customers it’s a great deal, and have them make a purchase. If you’ve been in business very long, you know the whole “trust me” tactic doesn’t work. The more you say trust me, the more that little warning voice is going off in the heads of your prospects and customers.

So don’t expect your prospects to immediately see the value of your product. Show them the value. If you can think back to your high school and college English classes, you probably remember hearing the phrase “show don’t tell.” The same thing holds true for marketing. To convert your customers, they need to know exactly what they will be receiving, and exactly how it is going to have an impact on their lives.

You can have the greatest product in the world, at the best price you’ve ever seen, be following
up continuously, and still not see the results you want. If that happens, it’s because you have failed to convert. Do your prospects understand the benefits of your product? Did the information
you gave them make them want to buy? Do they trust you?

Remember, if you fail to move your prospect through the funnel, you’re not
making money.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

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