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What Does Network Marketing Actually Mean

If you have ever been interested in starting a home business then most likely you've heard about Network Marketing. Although the Network Marketing industry has been receiving massive attention lately because of the Internet, Network Marketing is not new and has been a concept that has been around for more than 80 years

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Directory Generator,Traffic TurboCharger Web Page Creation Software

If you're skittish of what TE and TH create and MetaWebs just isn't in your budget, here are a few other options. These tools don't break the search engines' SEO rules as long as you use them right.

In a larger sense, this advice applies to most any content creation tool. You can use those tools in an honest and ethical way'which is what we recommend'to create very interesting and compelling content, or you can use them in an unethical way to lure users to a site that turns out to be not what they thought it was.

Even though the latter approach will draw more traffic, we don't recommend it. And not just because it's wrong, either. Think about it: if you went to a site and it wasn't what it had claimed to be, you'd suspect the site owner cheated the search engines. And then you wouldn't stick around long enough to click on any of the ads, would you?

Nope, neither would we. It's called 'backlash.'
And now, on to the wonderful tools that represent some of our top picks for compelling keyword-rich content creation.

*Directory Generator
Directory Generator
As the name implies, Directory Generator works on directories, also know as portals. The creator of DG noticed that many of these directories and portals have been quietly driving thousands upon thousands of visitors to their own sites on a daily basis year after year.

To appreciate how DG works, you have to know a bit about directories'there are two types.
1. General Directory - A General Directory contains listings of just about anything on the planet. It is not targeted in any way, shape or form.
2. Specific Niche Directory - These directories are vertical in nature and they focus on just one industry or topic. Everything on this type of site is about one topic, so it's all very relevant.
DG focuses on the specific niche directory. However, it wasn't easy. Creating a directory has always been a tough job: time consuming, complicated, and frustrating. The big online directories contain thousands of links and resources which can take a live person thousands of hours to create. If one person did it, it would take years. But DG's found a way to automate the process.

Some of their features include:
• Photo Shots of Websites - Each resource Directory Generator creates contains a Photo Shot of the Website itself. This gives users a preview of the website before you look at it.
• RSS Equalizer Integration - This feeds real news content into your websites.
• Integration - Amazon sells thousands of products and services and you can now integrate these products into your new Directory Generator sites with a simple copy and paste mechanism. If you can copy and paste you can instantly start making extra revenue from Amazon.
• Google Adsense Integration ' Since it's what this book is about, it's great that Directory Generator has an easy way for you to integrate Google’s Adsense into your directory.
• Google Websearch Integration - Google recently released an add-on for Adsense that is called Websearch. It allows you to put a Google search box on your site and get paid for any Adsense click it creates. Now this feature is in Directory Generator.
• Built In Classified Ads - Making a directory is not enough. You need to be able to funnel the traffic to where you want. So the DG people created a way to for you to create Classified Ads in Directory Generator that let you promote and drive targeted traffic to any site you want, even if it is an affiliate program.
• Step Creation Wizard ' Makes it easy to create DG pages. 8 simple steps, it's done. Seriously, you can probably complete the whole process in just a few minutes. Can be done by an 8-year-old.
• Pre-Made Templates ' OK, so not everyone's a webmaster and you don't have to be one to make money with Google AdSense and DG with this feature. There are pre-made templates for you to use. Just select one, fill some stuff in, you're done.
DG also features PR Maximizer, which lets you search and find relevant and high quality sites for you to exchange links with. This software does all the work automatically for you, including telling you the site’s PR, PageRank before you even contact them to talk about trading links.
PR Maximizer's output looks like this:
PR Maximizer's output
*Traffic TurboCharger

Traffic TurboCharger (TTC) advertises itself as a "next generation SEO software' tool. Their biggest claim is that they optimize RSS feeds. The good things about having RSS feeds are:
• RSS feeds provide dynamically changing content so that every time the spiders come crawling to you page, it has new content. They really like that.
• RSS feeds give you instant theme-related content. Google, in particular, really loves this.
• RSS feeds provide content that is readable by search engines because the content is part of your page, unlike javascript feeds which offer no advantage because the little spiderbots can't read them.
• Your pages get indexed faster, since your content changes daily, so you get more visits from the Googlebot. That's a very good thing.
One of the big advantages of RSS feeds is that you get content that looks like it's yours. You don't have to create it or pay a writer to write it. Best of all, you won't get in trouble with the search engines. Why not' Because RSS feeds are completely legitimate from the point of view of search engines.
Traffic TurboCharger
They're also useful to your visitors, who are looking for information related to the theme of your site. And with RSS feeds, your site is constantly updated and fresh, because the feeds update as soon as new articles or content is added to the source you pull your content from. With big sources, this can happen every single hour.

Better yet, RSS feeds are completely automated so you don't have to do anything to keep your pages fresh and updated.

tags:Additional Web Page Creation Software,Traffic TurboCharger,Directory Generator,Creation Software


MetaWebs has been called the Cadillac of search engine optimization/traffic builder sites. 

Metawebs is a server-based software which allows you to create unlimited search engine optimized web pages. And business has been good. Business has been so good for them that MetaWebs (MW) (metawebs) has recently been a victim of its own success. In June of 2005, they closed down temporarily after having sold out their third level of membership. They say they will offer a higher level of membership to this popular tool.

Messages posted to user boards state that the old Tier 3 price was $500 down and $500 per month, and that the new tier will cost approximately $10,000. Clearly, MW is a power tool designed for serious users who truly want to maximize income.

Here is their site:
How is MW able to charge such high prices, prices people are lining up to pay? Well, because MW is a software release from SEO "expert" Nathan Anderson. The big claim is that MW is "The First White Hat Software Tool". The program is supposedly able to "(generate) non-foot-printable, traffic-generating-websites the search engines absolutely love'"

Users were understandably skeptical of these bold claims at first, and skittish of the high price of MW.

The buzz that MW has tried to create is that TE, TH and the rest are just black-hat spam machines that create content that's mediocre at best.

Anderson claims that while MW sounds like a doorway page generator, his product is different because unlike doorway pages, "MetaWebs are likely to be bookmarked and revisited because of their valuable content." Meaning his product creates pages with actual content while doorway page generators just produce pages designed to trick search engines.

I talked about doorway pages earlier. Now let me give you a definition. As defined by, doorway pages are "pages designed to be visible only by search engine spiders, and usually just have blobs of keywords all over them."

MetaWebs, on the other hand, creates websites that are highly optimized, formatted in php templates, and filled with live, active content from Anderson's Meta search engine. 

When MW was released, its connotation as a White Hat software tool was met with disbelief and disdain by many users who just didn't want to believe. Their main criticism had to do with the potential for spam to ruin search engine results. A whole lot of users feel that SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) have become way overcrowded with spam sites and doorway pages which they view as the bane of their existence. Others blame MetaWeb for the increase in search engine spam.

The question is being asked on forums, "How long will it be before Google’s AdSense team starts cracking down on AdSense accounts that are used on pages generated from keyword tools like this'" Apparently, users who do things by hand are irked by those who use automated tools, and there is justification for this.

There is also the fear that eventually, someone will'if they haven't already'use MW for is spam. And when that happens, everyone using MW will suffer, since MW will leave the tracks necessary for Google to eventually detect the machine generation, and then those pages or sites will be dropped."

Others say that MetaWebs has no business being called "white hat" because it is an automation tool and that, because of the misuse, software generated pages ought to be considered a black hat technique

Anderson disputes this. He admits MetaWebs does indeed have the potential to produce spam pages, but that’s not his fault. It’s the fault of people who misuse his product. It can be misused, he says, "'Especially if people don’t customize the pages that MetaWebs spits out. But if they think of MW as a site-building tool, instead of a spam page machine, they should never have a problem.'

He's right. Any tool that humans use, from tire irons to golf clubs to guns, can be misused. It's all about intent. And my opinion is that a power web tool like MW shouldn't be penalized or banned from SERPs just because some people misuse it. That's like saying we should ban cars because a few people every year misuse them to run over others.

It’s up to the user as to how they use MW. You could churn out pages using the advanced tools in Dreamweaver if you wanted to. That doesn’t mean that Dreamweaver is bad software. Anderson feels that he is "empowering the masses with something that circumvents the SEO."
tags:search engine optimization,MetaWebs ,raffic builder sites

How To Use Traffic Hurricane

Traffic Hurricane (TH) is a little bit interesting in the way it's marketed. It is only sold through its JV Partners links. If you go to, you will see this:
Traffic Hurricane
 However, you can solve that little problem by going directly to one of the free download pages of one of the Traffic Hurricane Site Resellers Just Click Here.

With this free version you can build tens of thousands of web pages very quickly. The downside is that with the free version you will be showing ads on your pages that belong to the reseller of the copy of Traffic Hurricane you downloaded.

The upside is you can try this new version of TH and if you like it you can upgrade and remove these ads or make them your own.

For the cost I can not recommend this product highly enough! It is worth its weight in gold! 
TH is much-loved by many site owners, who describe it as 'the perfect spider food.' They also love that it works very well for Google AdSense. TH has much in common with TE. They're both not just doorway page creators. This is good, because doorway pages get banned from the search engines and Google, in particular, is very averse to them. TH users like the unique content and linking structure of TH, and they most especially love that the search engines love it.

TH creates literally thousands of laser targeted pages so fast you won't believe it. It combines that ability with a user-friendly interface that takes minimal effort on your part. Basically, it does what developers used to have to do by hand'TH automates it.

As a result, users can create pages much faster and thus receive many thousand more targeted hits every day. They claim they use 'Top Quality Content' on all the pages it creates'whatever that means. It probably means they're trying to address TE's shortcomings of crummy content. 

Their marketing literature says, 'Our system is not just creating a bunch of keyword rich pages that are going to automatically forward the traffic that arrives at them to your main web or affiliate link. They will actually provide good quality content that will not be banned by search engines.'

TH includes the ability to add RSS feeds for dynamic up to date content. What are RSS feeds' They are content taken from other information service web pages and inserted into your web pages automatically.

Search engines love this type of content because every time a search engine spider visits your site, there's always some new content. Traffic Hurricane Pages are also fully customizable. Like I mentioned in the last chapter, one of the big reasons most of the pages that TE creates get banned in a hurry by the major search engines is that they all look and act the same. 

Traffic hurricane pages are fully customizable as far as the amount and type of content placed on them. Thus, there's a better chance that TH pages will be unique. There are 14 templates to choose from and you can pick from a huge range of colors and add up to 3 images on each of the pages that will be created to ensure that your pages will be unique. If you have a special logo that you've designed, this would be the place to use it.

tags: Using Traffic Hurricane,Traffic Hurricane,marketing literature,Search engines love

Using Traffic Equalizer get a lot of visitors daily

Traffic Equalizer (

is a hot tool that many site developers use to massively increase traffic to their site and thus put them on a level playing field with the big boys. TR boasts that they drive highly targeted buyers to your site.

In a nutshell, you import a list of keywords, you fill in a few form fields, and the program automatically creates optimized pages. They claim it's very search-engine friendly.  It is a program that quickly generates hundreds or thousands of pages that are specially designed to rank well on search engines for huge lists of keyword phrases. You’ve probably seen these types of pages before. They feature an ad on top and then there are listings that look like a directory or a search engine.

All you have to do is make a list of keywords, type them into Traffic Equalizer and the software crawls search engine data to bring back the top results for that keyword. Then it lists those sites and inserts your site at the  top...and voila! It creates pages that are supposedly designed to rank well for search engines.

The thing is, some of the pages it produces can look a bit clunky, like this:
Using Traffic Equalizer get a lot of visitors daily
Using Traffic Equalizer

You should always put Traffic Equalizer pages on a separate domain, on a separate IP, even on a separate server. Keep it as far away from your website as possible. More on why later.

Traffic Equalizer provides a template that's'well, not great-looking. And here's the thing: many users are saying that when they use that original template, unmodified, their pages and in some cases their entire website are getting dropped from Google’s index. The work-around here is for you to create a new template, with your own graphics. Change the colors and add some of your own new text. You want to change this from being easily recognizable to Google.

Traffic Equalizer runs a support forum...for product owners. So if you get TE, be sure you take full advantage of it to get tips and such. Mind you, in those forums you'll see posts from users who've gotten banned from search engines. What you want to do is look for people who are getting tons of traffic from Traffic Equalizer and find out their secrets.

There are also some helpful sites, such as which offer different templates for TE.

Here's a sample of what they offer:
templates for TE
Google's Guidelines

I wouldn't be doing my job right if I didn't caution you that using TE could get you thrown out of Google, and the AdSense program. That's why I've listed some cautions above. Here's what Google has to say about it in their guidelines:

"Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of thumb is whether you’d feel comfortable explaining what you’ve done to a website that competes with you. Another useful test is to ask, "Does this help my users' Would I do this if search engines didn’t exist?"

tags:Traffic Equalizer,a lot of visitors daily,Using Traffic Equalizer,Google's Guidelines

Know More About Extreme Content Sites

What is extreme content' Don't worry'it's not adult content, or graphic violence, or even anything terribly controversial. 'Extreme content' refers to very large sites ranging in size from 1,000 to 10,000'even 300,000 pages.

Now why on earth would anyone go to the trouble to create anything that huge, other than trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records?They do it in order to have a ton of pages that will result in a massive saturation upon the search engines.

Let's look at it this way: say you've got a nice little ten-page site. Those ten pages give you ten chances to get listed somewhere in a search engine's rankings. Contrast that with an extreme content site of 1,000 pages. That site has 1,000 chances of getting listed in the rankings, which means some of their pages will no doubt get listed up near the very top. 

Of course, not all of the 1,000 pages will rank in the top 10'there's not room, by definition'but you've got a better chance that some of them will. And when you get all that traffic streaming into your site, you can direct them to your main site by using pop-unders or links and articles on those pages.

Of course, you can also use them to make big bucks by putting Google ads on these pages using Google AdSense.

However, keeping track of thousands of pages requires a good organizational scheme. You'll want to use a service like or the Overture keyword tool to find out the most popular keywords. Once you've figured those out, use a tool like to build a huge site.

So what all do you put in an extreme content site?
• Articles ' be sure and organize them by categories. Otherwise, it'll be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. And it's critical that they be SEO keyword-rich.
• Web forums ' people love forums where they can discuss things, so give them a place to vent and have their little flame wars.
• Polls ' people also love to be asked their opinions, so give them a place to express it, even if it's just a multiple-choice poll.
• Games ' a huge number of people love to play games.
So what sort of strategy do you use to create an extreme content site' Well, for one thing, you don.t try to do it at once. Having said that, though, if you think you want to go extreme, make sure you set up a basic structure that allows for expansion.

Start small, but leave room to grow. For instance, start out with a ten-page site that stays on one topic. Then, once you get Google AdSense going and the checks are coming in, use the tools discussed in this book to determine the hottest keywords of the month and use the other tools we talk about to build your keyword-rich content.

Before you know it, you.ll be up to thirty, sixty, even a hundred pages. Then you.ll just need to make a commitment to add a certain number of pages each month.

So now that you've got the gameplan, get going!

Another great way to build a quick content site is with other peoples articles using a tool like Article Site Builder.
This tool builds content pages by pulling articles from article site directories like and

tags:extreme conten, Extreme Content Sites,got the gameplan,,pulling articles

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