Forex Trading Information

FOREX :-the foreign exchange. market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market with the daily volume of more than $3.2 trillion.Trading on this market involves buying and selling world currencies taking the profit from the exchange rates difference

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Daily or Position Trader, their strengths and weaknesses

 Daily or Position Trader, their strengths and weaknesses

Day-trading overview

Day-trading, which was once the exclusive domain of the floor trader, is now fair game for all speculators. Inspired in part by large intraday price swings, instant availability of quotes, affordable high-powered computers and competitive commissions, the new wave of day-trading methods and systems has attracted thousands of traders in recent years. The undeniable thrill of trading within the time span of one day is, however, a double-edged sword: one that can hurt as well as heal. To be successful, a day-trader must have the discipline of a machine, the instincts of a fox, the emotions of a rock, the skills of a surgeon and the patience of a saint. (And a little luck wouldn’t hurt either.) The day trader works more with the emotions along with the fundamental analysis.

Very active currency trader who holds positions for a very short time and makes several trades each day. Day traders are individuals who are trying to make a career out of buying and selling stocks very quickly, often making dozens of trades in a single day and generally closing all positions at the end of each day. Day trading can be costly, since the commissions and the bid/ask spread add up when there are so many transactions.

Position Trading Overview

Position Trader looks for occasional significant moves that may unfold quickly or over time. It patiently waits for ideal trade setups to occur during minor and major trend reversals in certain sectors, indexes or entire broad markets. Determination of these potential setups is derived from technical indicators, chart patterns, point and figure charts and fundamental news events. Once a move shows sign of development, hourly and intraday charts are monitored for optimum entry.


Currency trader who, unlike most traders, takes a long-term, buy and hold approach. In currency trading, «long-term» refers to holding until the delivery date is close, usually 5-7 months.

Basically, a position trade approach is to enter the markets only during times of key reversal probability in order to capture large moves as they gradually or quickly unfold. It is designed for traders who favor a gradual, buy and hold approach when ideal trade conditions exist for high-odds success.

Factors Affecting the Market

Currency prices are affected by a variety of economic and political conditions, most importantly interest rates, inflation and political stability. Moreover, governments sometimes participate in the Forex market to influence the value of their currencies, either by flooding the market with their domestic currency in an attempt to lower the price, or conversely buying in order to raise the price. This is known as Central Bank intervention. Any of these factors, as well as large market orders, can cause high volatility in currency prices. However, the size and volume of the Forex market makes it impossible for any one entity to «drive» the market for any length of time.

Another factor affecting the market, with an effect as important as the other factors mentioned above, is the news. Once released, the news have a direct outcome on the currency price as per news are always directly related to the economic stability of the market. Here’s a list of channels that will provide you useful information on currency news:

Rob TV – CAD News
Bloomberg TV – EUR News

 The Market Hours

The trading begins once the markets are officially open in Tokyo, Japan at 7:00 PM Sunday, New York time.

Afterwards, at 9:00 PM EST, Singapore and Hong Kong opens followed by the European markets in Frankfurt at 2:00 AM and in London at 3:00 AM.

When the clock reaches 4:00 AM, the European markets are in the hot spot and Asia just concluded its trading day.

Around 8:00 AM on Monday, the US markets opens in New York while Europe is slowly going down. Australia will take the lead around 5:00 PM and when it is 7:00PM again, Tokyo is ready to reopen.

Benefits of Online Investing

Online trading has caused a major paradigm shift in investing. At the turn of the millennium, there are over 6 million online investment accounts, up from 1.5 million in 1997. As a result, start-up firms now compete directly with financial institutions to serve investors in the new Economy, and the clear winner is the customer. The competition between the brick and mortar institutions and the Internet-based companies has dramatically lowered the costs of investing, and empowered the individual investor to take control of their own investment strategy.

On-line trading will revolutionize the currency markets by making it accessible to the small and medium sized investor. For the first time, these investors have the ability to execute transactions of between $100,000 and $10,000,000 at the same prices the Interbank market offers for deals well over $10,000,000. This benefits both those who wish to speculate on the direction of the currency markets for profit, as well as the money manager or corporate treasurer looking to hedge against unwanted exposure to future price fluctuations in the currency markets.

Benefits of Trading FX on the Internet

• Deal directly from live price quotes
• Instantaneous trade execution and confirmation
• Fast and efficient execution of deals
• Lower transaction costs
• Real-time profit and loss analysis
• Full access to market information

Deal directly from live price quotes

Very few on-line brokers are able to offer their clients real-time bid/ask quotes, which facilitates instantaneous deal execution - no missed market opportunities. Real-time prices also allow investors to compare an on-line broker’s dealing spread with that of other pricing services, to ensure they are receiving the best possible price on all their Forex transactions.

Many on-line Forex brokers require their clients to request a price before dealing. This is disadvantageous for a number of reasons, primarily because it significantly lengthens the execution process from just a few seconds to possibly as long as a minute. In a fast paced market, this could make a significant difference in an investor’s profit potential. Also, some of the more unscrupulous brokers may use the opportunity to look at an investor’s current position. Once they have determined whether the investor is a buyer or a seller, they ‘shade’ the price to increase their own profit on the transaction.

Instantaneous trade execution and confirmation

Timing is everything in the fast-paced Forex market. On-line trades are executed and confirmed within seconds, which ensures that traders do not miss market opportunities. Even the incremental extra time it takes to complete a transaction over the phone can mean a big difference in profit potential.

Lower transaction costs

Simply, executing trades electronically reduces manual effort, thereby lowering the costs of doing business. On-line brokers are then able to pass along the savings to their client base.

Real-time profit and loss analysis

The fast-paced nature of the Forex market compels traders to execute multiple trades each day. It is vital for each client to have real-time information about their current position in order to make well-informed trading decisions.
© 1st Forex Trading Academy

Full access to market information,24-hour trading,Lower transaction costs

 Full access to market information

Access to timely and relevant information is critical. Professional traders pay thousands of dollars each month for access to major information providers. However, the very nature of the Internet affords users free access to reliable market information from a variety of sources, including real-time price quotes, international news, government-issued economic indicators and reports, as well as subjective information such as expert commentary and analysis, trader chat forums etc.
Benefits of Forex Trading vs. Equity Trading

• 24 hour trading
• Liquidity

• 50:1 Leverage to 400:1 Leverage
• Lower transaction costs
• Equal access to market information
• Profit potential in both rising and falling markets

 24-hour trading

The main advantage of the Forex market over the stock market and other exchange-traded instruments is that the Forex market is a true 24-hour market. Whether it’s 6pm or 6am, somewhere in the world there are always buyers and sellers actively trading Forex so that investors can respond to breaking news immediately. In the currency markets, your portfolio won’t be affected by after hours earning reports or analyst conference calls.

Recently, after hours trading has become available for US stocks - with several limitations. These ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks) exist to bring together buyers and sellers when possible. However, there is no guarantee that every trade will be executed, nor at a fair market price. Quite frequently, stock traders must wait until the market opens the following day in order to receive a tighter spread.

With a daily trading volume that is 50 times larger than the New York Stock Exchange, there are always broker/dealers willing to buy or sell currencies in the FX markets. The liquidity of this market, especially that of the major currencies, helps ensure price stability. Investors can always open or close a position, and more importantly, receive a fair market price.

Because of the lower trading volume, investors in the stock market and other exchange-traded markets are more vulnerable to liquidity risk, which results in a wider dealing spread or larger price movements in response to any relatively large transaction.

50:1 Leverage to 400:1 Leverage

Leveraged trading, also called margin trading, allows investors in the Forex market to execute trades up to $250,000 with an initial margin of only $5000. However, it is important to remember that while this type of leverage allows investors to maximize their profit potential, the potential for loss is equally great. A more pragmatic margin trade for someone new to the FX markets would be 5:1 or even 10:1, but ultimately depends on the investor’s appetite for risk. On the other hand, a 100:1 leverage would be the foremost suggested margin trading to use for the best risk and reward return.

Lower transaction costs

It is much more cost efficient to invest in the Forex market, in terms of both commissions and transaction fees.

Commissions for stock trades range from a low of $7.95-$29.95 per trade with on-line brokers to over $100 per trade with traditional brokers. Typically, stock commissions are directly related to the level of service offered by the broker. For instance, for $7.95, customers receive no access to market information, research or other relevant data. At the high end, traditional brokers offer full access to research, analyst stock recommendations, etc.

In contrast, on-line Forex brokers charge significantly lower commission and transaction fees. Some, like FCStone FX, charge LOW fees, while still offering traders access to all relevant market information.

In general, the width of the spread in a FX transaction is less than 1/10 as wide as a stock transaction, which typically includes a 1/8 wide bid/ask spread. For example, if a broker will buy a stock at $22 and sell at $22.125, the spread equals .006. For a FX trade with a 5 pip wide spread, where the dealer is willing to buy EUR/USD at .9030 and sell at .9035, the spread equals .0005.

Equal access to market information

Professional traders and analysts in the equity market have a definitive competitive advantage by virtue of that fact that they have first access to important corporate information, such as earning estimates and press releases, before it is released to the general public. In contrast, in the Forex market, pertinent information is equally accessible, ensuring that all market participants can take advantage of market-moving news as soon as it becomes available.

Profit potential in both rising and falling markets

In every open FX position, an investor is long in one currency and short the other. A short position is one in which the trader sells a currency in anticipation that it will depreciate. This means that potential exists in a rising as well as a falling FX market. The ability to sell currencies without any limitations is one distinct advantage over equity trading. It is much more difficult to establish a short position in the US equity markets, where the Uptick rule prevents investors from shorting stock unless the immediately preceding trade was equal to or lower than the price of the short sale.
Currency pairs

The currencies are always traded in pairs. For example, EUR/USD, which means Euro over US dollars, would be a typical pair. In this case, the Euro, being the first currency can be called the base currency. The second currency, by default USD, is called the counter or quote currency.
As mentioned, the first currency is the base, therefore in a pair you can refer the amount of that currency as being the amount required to purchase one unit of the second currency.
So, if you want to buy the currency pair, you have to buy the EURO and sell the USD simultaneously. On the other hand, if you are looking forward to sell the currency pair, you have to sell the EURO and buy the USD.

The most important thing to understand in a currency pair, or more precisely in a Forex transaction, is that you will be selling or buying the same currency.
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Introduction to Definitions, Major currencies,Forex Symbol,Pip

Major currencies

US Dollar – The United States dollar is the world’s main currency – a universal measure to evaluate any other currency traded on Forex. All currencies are generally quoted in US dollar terms. Under conditions of international economic and political unrest, the US dollar is the main safe-haven currency, which was proven particularly well during the Southeast Asian crisis of 1997-1998.

As it was indicated, the US dollar became the leading currency toward the end of the Second World War along the Bretton Woods Accord, as the other currencies were virtually pegged against it. The introduction of the Euro in 1999 reduced the dollar’s importance only marginally.

The other major currencies traded against the US dollar are the Euro, Japanese Yen, British Pound and the Swiss Franc.

 Euro – The Euro was designed to become the premier currency in trading by simply being quoted in American terms. Like the US dollar, the Euro has a strong international presence stemming from members of the European Monetary Union. The currency remains plagued by unequal growth, high unemployment, and government resistance to structural changes. The pair was also weighed in 1999 and 2000 by outflows from foreign investors, particularly Japanese, who were forced to liquidate their losing investments in euro-denominated assets. Moreover, European money managers rebalanced their portfolios and reduced their Euro exposure as their needs for hedging currency risk in Europe declined.

Japanese Yen – The Japanese Yen is the third most traded currency in the world; it has a much smaller international presence than the US dollar or the Euro. The Yen is very liquid around the world, practically around the clock. The natural demand to trade the Yen concentrated mostly among the Japanese keiretsu, the economic and financial conglomerates. The Yen is much more sensitive to the fortunes of the Nikkei index, the Japanese stock market, and the real estate market.

British Pound – Until the end of the World War II, the Pound was the currency of reference. The currency is heavily traded against the Euro and the US dollar, but has a spotty presence against the other currencies. Prior to the introduction of the Euro, both the Pound benefited from any doubts about the currency convergence. After the introduction of the Euro, Bank of England is attempting to bring the high U.K. rates closer to the lower rates in the Euro zone. The Pound could join the Euro in the early 2000’s, provided that the U.K. referendum is positive.

Swiss Franc
– The Swiss Franc is the only currency of a major European country that belongs neither to the European Monetary Union nor the G-7 countries. Although the Swiss economy is relatively small, the Swiss Franc is one of the four major currencies, closely resembling the strength and quality of the Swiss economy and finance. Switzerland had a very close economic relationship with Germany, and thus to the Euro zone. Therefore, in terms of political uncertainty in the East, the Swiss Franc is favored generally over the Euro.

Typically, it is believed that the Swiss Franc is a stable currency. Actually, from a foreign exchange point of view, the Swiss Franc closely resembles the patterns of the Euro, but lacks its liquidity. As the demand for it exceeds supply, the Swiss Franc can be more volatile than the Euro.

The Canadian Dollar and the Australian Dollar are also part of the currencies traded on the Forex market but do not count as being part of the major currencies due to their insufficient volume and circulation. They can only be traded against the US Dollar.

Canadian Dollar - Canada decided to use the dollar instead of a Pound Sterling system because of the ubiquity of Spanish dollars in North America in the 18th century and early 19th century and because of the standardization of the American dollar. The Province of Canada declared that all accounts would be kept in dollars as of January 1, 1858, and ordered the issue of the first official Canadian dollars in the same year. The colonies that would come together in Canadian Confederation progressively adopted a decimal system over the next few years.

 Australian Dollar - The Australian Dollar was introduced in February 14, 1966, not only replacing the Australian Pound but also introducing a decimal system. Following the introduction of the Australian Dollar in 1966, the value of the national currency continued to be managed in accord with the Bretton Woods gold standard as it had been since 1954. Essentially the value of the Australian Dollar was managed with reference to gold, although in practice the US dollar was used. In 1983, the Australian government «floated» the Australian dollar, meaning that it no longer managed its value by reference to the US dollar or any other foreign currency. Today the value of the Australian Dollar is managed with almost exclusive reference to domestic measures of value such as the CPI (Consumer Price Index).

 Forex Symbol

GBP=British Pound
USD=US Dollar
JPY=Japanese Yen
CAD=Canadian Dollar
CHF=Swiss Franc
AUD=Australian Dollar
Ex.: EUR/USD = Euro/US Dollar

Price Interest point (Pip) is the term used in currency market to represent the smallest price increment in a currency. It is often referred to as ticks or points in the market. In EUR/USD, a movement from .9018 to .9019 is one pip. In USD/JPY, a movement from 128.50 to 128.51 is one pip.

Average trading range


Pip Values – according to your trading platform from $7.00 to $10.00 USD.
Pip Spreads – according to your trading platform from 3 to 20 pips.


The trading volume measures how much “money” is being traded. During some types of news breaks and when the New York’s exchange is open, the volume is obviously higher. The volume indicates us that more things can change. There no real strong correlation for volume, good trades is being developed even when the Forex volume is relatively low.

Buying and Selling short

Buying = term to use when buying a currency pair to open a trade.
Selling short = term to use when selling a currency pair to open a trade.

Both terms, refer to things we do to open a trade.

On the other hand, to exit a trade, you will have to use the terms “selling” and “buying-back”. The term “selling” refers to what we do to exit a trade that initially started by “buying”. The term “buying-back” refers to what we do to exit a trade that initially started by “selling-short”.
Basically the term, “selling-short” can be referred to the futures and commodities market. For instance the mentality of buying a field to plant vegetables that will grow in the future is the same thing than buying a currency and to predict that it will eventually go short.

Bid/Ask Spread

A spread is the difference between the bid and the ask price. The bid price is the price at which you may sell your currency pair for. The ask price is the price at which you must buy the currency pair. The ask price is always higher then the bid price. Profits in the market are made from charging the ask price for a currency pair and buying it from someone else at the bid price.

The bid/ask spread increases when there is uncertainty about what is going to happen in the market.
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