campaigns become more specific, targeted, and by extension more effective. You cannot guess
100% of the time what words, phrases, offers, or bonuses a consumer is going to respond to.
However, at least with certain information under your belt, you have the ability to act with confidence.
When you track and measure your marketing messages, your ability to communicate better with your customer or prospect improves. Your messages are more specific and targeted, and you can begin budgeting for them right type of marketing, rather than throwing your money out the window on something that may or may not work.
the cartoon looks. In the copy, they want cold, hard facts. In the product, they want something
to make running a small business easier and more effective. As a result, our marketing tends
to be no nonsense, straight to the point messages that logically and emotionally appeal to the
customers. Our marketing isn’t always perfect. We’ve thrown out entire campaigns. However, within the last few years our marketing has become more specific, targeted and less expensive. Our ROI on our marketing pieces has significantly increased as we tweak and improve our messages.