
Sitting on the Edge of Success

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Let me ask you something. Do you ever feel as if you are sitting on the edge of greatness? As if
there is something holding you back from being the phenomenal business owner you are capable
of being? You read all the books about owning and operating a company. You listen to all the stories

about small businesses becoming big businesses. You might know people who are living the
life you set out to live yourself, but you just can’t quite get there. You feel as if your business is
just waiting to explode. If only you could do something to make that leap from being the overwhelmed
business owner to the unbelievably successful entrepreneur

Well, this book will provide you with the knowledge you need to reach new
heights. This book is for those small business owners that have been working
to grow their companies and feel as if they are sitting on the edge of
success. This book is going to give you the strategies you need to double
your sales.
But, these strategies have not come easily. The success secrets I’m going to share with you have been the result of years of struggle.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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