
Conclusion: 9 Building Blocks to Double Your Sales

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Time to Get Started

Many of the most fascinating people I have ever met are small business owners. They are those
individuals that decided they want to do something more with their lives. They want to share
their talents, skills, and interests with the world. I admire them. Many of these entrepreneurs
are my closest friends. I listen to their stories, I see their strength, and I can’t help but feel
more ambitious myself because of what I see resonating from them.

Business ownership is not simple, but I and my entire company are on a mission to make it more so. That is why we’ve done thousands of hours of study. We’ve read the books by all the experts, heard the complaints of small business owners, tested different techniques on our own company, and resolved that the 9 building blocks and our powerful secret I shared with you are the most significant in boosting sales.

Now that the knowledge of the 9 building blocks is in your hands, I hope that you’ll do more
than just think, “Hmm. That’s interesting. I think he had a few good points.” My hope is that you
will go on from this day, finding easier, faster, more effective ways to generate leads, turn prospects to customers, turn customers into raving fans, and sell more than you’ve ever sold before.

Take the time. Reread this book if you need to, but ingrain these concepts in your head, and you
will soon be seeing massive improvements to your small business ownership. Take this knowledge and stretch as far as you can reach.

Goals are the limits we set ourselves. Why not shoot for the impossible? You have courage, strength, and enviable skills. Take what you have, take what I have offered you and run with it.
At first I had intended to throw in another story or two. Stories that would inspire you. I could
tell you one success story after another. I could relate all the details of small businesses that
made a big impact or became corporate giants. But I don’t want to do that. I don’t want you to
rely on the confidence or success of others. I would rather not hear small business owners say,
“That person did it, I can do it, too.” What I want to hear is the small business owner that says,
“I am doing what I love and I will succeed because I can! Because I have the tools to do so.”

What I want to hear, following the reading of this book, is small business owners saying, “I did
it. I finally made it out of my office. I doubled my sales. I found the passion I once had for my
company. And I gained the success that was so elusive for so long.””

Now, whether or not you do that is up to you. What you do with the information I handed you
in this book is your decision. I can’t change your company for you. But I sincerely hope you
do something with this. If you can only change a single aspect of your company, do it. Nobody
should experience the “pains” of small business ownership that I, and so many like me had to.

If you will take the time to work on and improve the “secret” and 9 building blocks, you can avoid so many of the horrible circumstances my company went through. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, you are well on your way to doubling your sales and making your company better than it has ever been! You will experience true small business success!

Note: One last thing. Several times throughout this book, I mentioned the use of technology to
automate business management processes. The software we provided to the man with “pain”
eventually evolved into our signature product…Infusionsoft. This man wanted the building blocks
I’ve provided for you. But he wanted each step to be automated. That is what Infusionsoft does
for the small business owner. It liberates and empowers small business owners by putting their
sales, marketing, and management systems on autopilot.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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