
to get the best results in your in business Test and Test Again

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If you want to get the best results in the shortest time possible, test and test again. Those who have been in business for a while have a fairly good understanding of their customers. However, if you’re just starting out, you don’t have the luxury of getting to know anybody. You need to sell, and you need to sell now. So you need to know what messages are going to work.

In actuality, whether you have been in business for a while or not, this is a good idea. When
you test and measure, you’re bringing marketing to a scientific level. You don’t have to rely on instinct or hope. You have the proof in your hand of whether or not this campaign is going to work. You know the anticipated success rate of getting an email dropped in the inbox. In other words, testing allows you to speed up the “Measure and Tweak” process. And this helps you achieve better than just “good” results.
get the best results in your in business Test and Test Again

Think about the difference a single word might make. Think about the time, effort, and testing that goes into major corporation slogans. I’m sure Nike didn’t present their “Just Do It” motto to the world before they tried it out. And would the motto have gained as much popularity as it did had the phrase actually been, “Just go ahead and do it.?”

Let me give you a another example. “Got Milk?” What a marketing phenomenon. If you
drive down the street for any more than five minutes, you will see a twist on this marketing message. Around the area I live, I’ve seen: got sand, got plumbers, got dirt, got real estate,
and even got marketing. Releasing that message onto the consumer market was no
accident. I’m sure a test group told milk to go ahead and run that campaign.
Got questions?

And that is what testing the marketing message can do for small business owners. It measures
your marketing before you spend extra time and money on sending it out.
Got questions?

The pattern is simple. Put together a marketing campaign. Try it out. Measure the results. If you don’t get a good response, tweak the message, and try again.

If you want to double your sales, you have to send the message that gets people to buy. If your
message isn’t quite good enough yet, keep trying. You’ll get there. But, you won’t get there until
you know what works and what doesn’t. Knowledge is the key to not only “good” but great results!
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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