
Double Your Sales with a Doubled Marketing Effort

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Marketing is a fast, efficient way of pushing the message from your head and implanting it in
the hearts of your consumers. If you choose to be the door-to-door salesman fine. But I do want you to understand the ease and speed with which the “right” marketing message can reach your
potential customers.

When you take the time to measure your marketing efforts and then make the appropriate
changes, you are going to see the results in the increased number of sales. Sales are your best
indication that your message is being heard loud and clear. But even with a stellar marketing
campaign, there is always room for improvement. Measuring your results gives you the chance to keep getting better, and bringing in more and more sales.

A Shot in the Dark

Double Your Sales with a Doubled Marketing Effort
I’m going to be a little audacious and
say the vast majority of small business marketing dollars are wasted. Some of the reasons include those in previous chapters: follow-up is inconsistent and business owners don’t know what type of message to send. But most or all of those problems can be solved if the business owner is able to see one little thing…what is working and what is not. More and more companies are shying away from radio, television, and billboard ads. There are two reasons for this action. One, these advertising methods are not targeted. And two, there is no way to know if it’s working. When a multi-million dollar ad runs on television, millions of viewers are watching it. If sales go up for a company, it would logically be explained by the television ad. However, that isn’t necessarily true. There could be dozens of other factors that affect consumer choices.

Have you ever seen an online survey site? These sites provide some sort of compensation for
twenty minutes of your time. During that twenty minutes, you might answer as many as fifty
questions, and the vast majority of them are related to marketing efforts. You get questions
like, “Of the following popcorn brands, which ones have you heard about?” And, from there, the
questions get even more specific.

Why are businesses willing to pay consumers as much as $5 a piece to get their opinion? Because they need to know what marketing messages have an impact, and which are a waste of their money.

When uncertainty rules, marketing campaigns are nothing more than a shot in the
marketing messages
Simple changes can make a world of difference, but without a way of measuring, businesses
don’t know what that change is. At Infusionsoft, we sent out an email blast that produced a poor
response. The blast just didn’t work. Without the tools to measure the response, we may have paid for that email to go out again and again. This was not a cheap email. We paid a significant
amount of money to be able to blast a particular website’s contacts. Can you imagine the waste of repetitively sending the same “wrong” message?

As it was, we tweaked our email and landing page. Gave it a new message and new graphics.
When we sent it out again, the response improved dramatically.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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