
Get a System that permits instant feedback

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With simple, easy to use systems, measuring results is a piece of cake. (Once again, you have
to love technology.) When you measure your marketing efforts, you’re going to start benefiting
from your marketing faster and with greater results than you ever imagined.

When you are measuring your data, you are going to have the edge on marketing techniques.
Think for a minute about what instantaneous access to customer responses are going to do for
your marketing campaigns. If you were to set up an entire campaign around a particular theme,
and the first two steps of the campaign produced no interest in your products or services, would
you continue with the other steps--just because you had already planned to send them? No.
That would be wasteful. Being able to measure results is going to save you time and money by
preventing repeated mistakes.

When you have a system that permits instant feedback, you won’t have to rely on random surveys, or wait for your customers to let you know what’s working. You get the knowledge instantly and with each marketing piece  you release, your message becomes more powerful. If it doesn’t, it’s time to step back and try again.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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