
equation to Collect the Cash

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Wouldn’t it be nice if every time you sold a product or service, you instantly received the money from that sale? It would be nice if money came in and money went out in a regular, predictable pattern. But that’s not how it works. When running a business, the financial overhead alone is enough to make you throw your hands up in the air and quit. But you don’t, so that’s why our next building block is all about money.

When I say “Collect the Cash,” I’m not just referring to the sell. Like everything else in your small business, it’s a little more complicated than that. Sure, it still encompasses the ability to collect on sales. But in addition to collecting money, this building block discusses credit card processing capabilities, collections, payment plans, invoices and notifications, and other money matters.

Many marketing experts tend to skip this strategy in their books, or at their conferences.
Because everybody understands it is money that makes the business world go round. It all seems self explanatory. Right?

Well, if collecting the cash is such a simple step,
why do so many small business owners wind up losing everything they’ve got and then some?

so we will speak about cute equation:-

Credit Card Processing +Collections +Payment Plans and Invoices +Noti cations = $$$$$$$$

 © 2008 By Clate Mask
keywords:- small business,Collect the Cash,payment plans, invoices and notifications,money matters,Credit Card Processing,collections


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