
When The Cash Isn’t Coming In what we should to do

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 Consumers are in a juggling act!

Often, the small business owner compensates the lack of funds by using their own bank account to pay the additional (and completely unanticipated) expenses. When that runs out, you, like the consumer who doesn’t pay, start wondering how long it’s going to be before the companies you’ve purchased from come after you.
We’re becoming a nation
of late payers as heavy
debts force businesses to
pay some bills one month
while others are held over
to the nex
- Bonnie Thayer
Bonnie Thayer, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self Employed, said, “We’re becoming a nation of late payers as heavy debts force businesses to pay some bills one month while others are held over to the next.”
Quite simply, the major reason for business failure is bankruptcy. Or, if it doesn’t get that far, small business owners wind up with unpaid financial obligations they wonder how they’re going to repay. Without enough capital, a company cannot make their product. If they can’t make their product, they can’t sell. If they can’t sell, they’re not making any money. End of a sad story.

keywords:-businesses,Cash Isn’t Coming ,CEO of the National Association ,Consumers are in a juggling act!, Consumers,Cash,heavy debts
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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