
Fight to get your Referrals sooner

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The fastest and easiest way to grow your business is from your customers spreading the word
about you.

However, standard referral programs just don’t work. You see, customers just aren’t thinking about you. Most people are egocentric and are usually thinking about themselves and their families.

This is not a bad thing. If we didn’t care for our own needs, we’d all be in a constant daze. But we are wrapped up in our own lives, and it doesn’t occur to most folks that the small business owner, who dedicated so much time to helping them, would really like a referral.
Furthermore, the concerted efforts to create a referral program are often more of a headache than they are worth. I have seen several “referral programs” in action that really have no hope of succeeding. In fact, most don’t. So, rather than create programs, many people rely on the good old request. “Please, send me referrals.” But, unless you are asking on a regular basis, your customer’s going to forget again.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask
 "keywords" content=" REFERRAL PROGRAM, Referrals, get Referrals"


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