
Get Personal or Why People Love Snakes

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 Get Personal   in you work or Why People Love Snakes

Another tactic for selling to your customers is to offer more of yourself. If you want phenomenal
results you need to give your prospects what they want. And what they want is you. They want
your personality. They want you to be real with them. They want you to be straight up, helpful,
and sincere. They don’t want the slick salesperson. They want your spin, your angle, your advice,
your perspective. What they don’t want is corporate dribble or pushy salesmen.
It’s kind of funny. All those clichés about being yourself and finding your groove and letting your
light shine are all at the heart of “Convert your Funnel.”
Think of the way Steve Erwin managed to get thousands, even millions of people to love snakes. I’m not saying that watching his nature show made me want to jump out and hold one. All I am saying is that by sharing his love of snakes and other reptiles with the world and by being himself, the Crocodile Hunter in effect made reptiles appealing. Or at least appealing to watch. If you can put that much of yourself into your products and sales, you will draw all kinds of interest.
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