
In business Never Trust a Man Who Says, “Trust Me!”

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By this time, you should be thinking about how you are going to fill your funnel.
You should also realize that you need a follow-up system in place in order stay
in front of the leads you generate. Now this chapter relies heavily on our secret
of mastering the moment. In fact, the process of turning prospects to customers
depends on your ability to execute the secret faithfully.

When you choose to interact with your prospects through follow-up, the messages you send
need to have a purpose, or some value attached in order to be effective. That is precisely what
“Convert Your Funnel” refers to. It addresses the type of messages and sales tactics that you use to move prospects down the funnel and finally convert them into customers.

This process is often referred to as sales force automation. It includes everything in the sales
process, such as, keeping and updating prospect information, a contact tracking system, and the valuable information you provide your prospects. In other words, it’s every effort you make to
turn prospects into buyers. (That includes providing a lot of “moments” to master.)
Never Trust a Man Who Says,
“Trust Me!”

You can no longer place a product on the market, give it a price tag, tell your customers it’s a great deal, and have them make a purchase. If you’ve been in business very long, you know the whole “trust me” tactic doesn’t work. The more you say trust me, the more that little warning voice is going off in the heads of your prospects and customers.

So don’t expect your prospects to immediately see the value of your product. Show them the value. If you can think back to your high school and college English classes, you probably remember hearing the phrase “show don’t tell.” The same thing holds true for marketing. To convert your customers, they need to know exactly what they will be receiving, and exactly how it is going to have an impact on their lives.

You can have the greatest product in the world, at the best price you’ve ever seen, be following
up continuously, and still not see the results you want. If that happens, it’s because you have failed to convert. Do your prospects understand the benefits of your product? Did the information
you gave them make them want to buy? Do they trust you?

Remember, if you fail to move your prospect through the funnel, you’re not
making money.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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