
Employees will never care about your business like you do

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Affiliates Provide the Referrals

All day long, I listen to small business owners complain about apathetic employees. Though the
employees do their job as far as their job description is concerned, they don’t usually take the
initiative or go the extra mile.

Employees will never care about your business like you do.

When someone becomes a affiliate, suddenly there is an interest by both parties to ensure the
small business succeeds. It becomes a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship. The affiliates
send in the referrals, in return they are paid for their efforts. Since they profit when you profit,
you can bet that they are going to be doing everything in their power to help you out.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask
 "keywords" content="Employees , marketing capabilities,building blocks,partnership,Affiliates Provide the Referrals,small business owners"


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