
Becoming a Better Salesperson

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I’m going to admit something that may sound a little arrogant. I have tens of thousands of
customers. They just might not be buying from me right now. Have you ever noticed what an
impact perspective has on our actions? Whenever I’m talking to any small business owner, I am
thinking, “This is one of my customers.” I don’t even have a chance to tell them what Infusionsoft
does before I have categorized them as “Customer” in my head.

Many times, it is due to my perceived value of this person that small business owners want to learn more about Infusionsoft. It’s because I treat them differently. Unlike the story about the
pest control salesman, my initial conversation gives me a chance to begin a relationship with
this person. And I take advantage of that moment. Whether they buy today, or go in my funnel,
I treat every small business owner I talk to in exactly the same way. Because you never know
what is keeping this person from buying your phenomenal product or service.

And then, as I pointed out before, some people just aren’t ready to buy yet. But with a prospect
database you’re saying, “You know what? Whether you buy from me today or not, you’re important to me. I am going to keep your information.” The prospect may not have a clue that you
have a database waiting in the wings. But they’re going to feel it. Because they can sense the
importance you attribute to them.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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