
You Don't Have to Be the Pushy Sales Guy let me show you

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When you start to understand the importance of EVERY lead, you’ll notice your sales tactics change. Think of the way you, other small business owners, and salespeople attempt to make a sale. What tactics do you use? And what do you do when you realize a sale is just not going to happen?

A young couple I know were down on their luck. They’d bought and lived in a new house, paying
all kinds of new bills for one year. Then without warning, the husband lost his job. One day, a
pest control salesman stopped by to see if he could sign the couple up for quarterly treatments.
The wife tried to politely decline, but the salesman kept pushing. After three attempts to get
rid of the man, the wife explained that her husband was currently unemployed. The salesman’s
response was a disappointed, “Oh.” Then he left. After all, he wasn’t getting a commission from
that house. Why should he bother to be polite?

That young couple soon got back on their feet, and when they started spotting Black Widows
around their yard, they wanted to call a pest control company. Guess who they didn’t even consider?

Imagine how this story could have been different if the salesman had simply said, “I understand
you may not be ready for pest control now. May I come by later in the year?” What if he had
filled his funnel with a future customer?

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


Quite! This was a very great article. Thanks for the furnished data.

with my best regards
wait you useful comments dear

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