
How to Capture Your Leads to Capture More Dollars?

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No matter where your leads are generated from, you are not the only person trying to sell to the
“hot” lead. I’m aware of several lead generating agencies that farm identical leads out to several
small business owners. And they still charge an arm and a leg for the leads. I’m not telling you
to ignore the “hot” leads. Quite the contrary. Get the sales you can now, just don’t ignore the
value of your other leads.

Here is the strategy I hope you carry away from this building block. Assign ALL your leads the
value they deserve. Treat each prospect as if they were already your customer, and remember
that a vast number of them will be. There is no way to gage right now what a lead will be worth
in the future. Why take risks with potential dollars?

For small businesses to reach those daunting financial goals, they must generate and “keep”
their lead information. Leads are only worth the sales that come from them. But you never know
when the sale will occur. Remember, consumers are working on their schedule, not yours.

So, the next natural question is: I’ve got my leads, where do I go from here?

I’m so glad you asked.
Assign ALL your leads the value they
deserve. Treat each prospect as if they were
already your customer, and remember that a
vast number of them will be.
Your next customer?

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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