
today’s leads are tomorow’buyers!

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In this chapter, I am going to introduce you to the funnel. The funnel will be
used for several of the building blocks, because it is imperative to small business
improvement. So, before I explain what I mean by “Fill the Funnel,” take a
look at the graphic below.
Let me ask you a question. What do you do with your leads once you have them? “Fill your Funnel”
is about gathering, sorting, and using lead information to begin creating moments of interaction
with your prospects.

You see, leads are a powerful resource to have. Today’s leads are tomorrow’s
buyers, or next month’s, or next year’s. So you need to understand
the importance of your leads. The entire basis of this chapter is to encourage
small business owners to create a workable, prospect database that
they can market to later.

By putting those leads in your database, you are securing a lucrative future for your company.
The more leads you have in your funnel, the more buyers you’re going to have down the road.
(Because you’re going to be constantly standing in front of them.)

What happens when leads are not put into the funnel? Where do they go? Let’s say you or your salesperson went through the entire list of leads and found the ones that were ready to buy now. What did you do with the rest of them? My guess, they’re gone for good. It may not be intentional, but because of the overwhelming nature of running a small business, those other leads are usually lost, or wind up in the trash.


A struggling loan officer decided to quit his job. He had tried the mortgage business for six
months and only closed two small loans. At the mortgage broker’s request, the loan
officer decided to give the mortgage business one more month.

“Great,” the broker said, “Go back to your leads.”

“What leads?” came the response.

“You pre-approved seven people in your first month. What happened to them?”

The loan officer shrugged his shoulders. “One hadn’t found a house yet. Two had some
credit issues. One was waiting for her husband to get back from Iraq. And I never heard
from the other three.”

The mortgage broker said, “Well, it’s a good start. Give them a call today.”

The loan officer stared in horror at his boss and confessed, “I threw their stuff away. I
didn’t think I would need it.”

Granted this story shows the employee’s ignorance in not filling the funnel, but it’s a good
illustration of the pain losing or discarding leads can cause.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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