
tell me why you still using internet?

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There has never been a more accessible market in any other decade. Using the Internet correctly can popularize your name and produce more customers than was ever possible before. That means, potentially, there is more money available to you than ever before.

Business owners are done sitting around and hoping local customers patronize their stores. Geography can no longer limit the number of sales a small business owner can accrue.

But, like I said, you have to use the Internet
correctly. Just having a website is not sufficient.
You have to make the website work for

What is amazing to me is even with all this information,
small businesses will choose to have a static website, or no website at all. Whether or not you
choose to use the Internet as a tool, you can guarantee your competition is…or will. Your supercharged
website is your gateway to a larger audience. You need this market, you want this
market, and if your website is set up properly, these consumers will be falling directly into your

Marketing coach Larry Chase said, “Like China, the Internet is a huge new market. It’s up to you
to figure out what to do with it. Use it as a prospecting tool, make connections with people, add
value for your existing customers.”

The Internet is the Tupperware party for the twenty-first century. It’s the new source for selling.
And guess what? If you don’t get in on it, you’ll be left sitting on the porch with your product.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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