
But Why Should I Follow These Nine Building Blocks?

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Before I get any further, I’d like to introduce the nine building blocks. An adequate description of
each building block will be provided in individual chapters. However, as you’ll want to think about
how they relate to each other, here they are:

The building blocks are interrelated strategies which, when collectively implemented, produce phenomenal results. Understand that the building blocks do not follow a particular order.
One does not necessarily build upon the other. 
And, although the building blocks tend to be closely related, by the end of each chapter, I feel certain you will understand the singular importance of each one.

But Why Should I Follow These Nine Building Blocks?

In actuality, I could have picked a different number, 8 or 10. It really came down to a matter of
choice. However, the number 9 along with “one secret” (which I will reveal in a moment) happily
encompasses the most important techniques, or secrets to doubling sales. With 9 building
blocks, I am able to clearly define the pains small businesses are struggling through and clearly identify specific, changeable behaviors that increase revenue, liberate the small business owner, and lead to unbelievable success.

The more building blocks a small business owner chooses to incorporate,
the more growth they will witness. That being said, simply having this
knowledge is not going to propel your company forward. After reading this
book, it is up to you to decide whether or not you’ll benefit from it.

It’s amazing to me how many small business owners, imprisoned in their own offices, refuse to
do anything about it. They become so bogged down with their daily dance to stay alive that they
become short-sighted and are unwilling to look beyond the day-to-day grind.
True, this short-sightedness might never hinder a company--just as long as the business owner
never gets sick, or the economy doesn’t dip. But “the only predictable thing in life is that
life is unpredictable.”

One of our sales guys received a call from a mortgage broker several months ago. The broker
was living the high life. He’d made extraordinary amounts of money when the housing market
boomed. But, as the market slowed, his business naturally began to taper off. He was curious
about Infusionsoft and what we could do to help grow his business. However, he wasn’t really
motivated to do anything…yet. He’d saved up enough money from the housing explosion to keep him flying high for a while. This man hung up the phone promising to think about the things he’d been told, but he felt confident the market would stabilize and his business would continue to prosper on its own.

Well, a recent follow-up call with this same mortgage broker didn’t end on such a happy note.
The money was gone. The company had accrued massive debts. And the man was willing to try
ANYTHING to keep his business alive. He’d already given himself a three month timeline before
he lost it all.

Now, not every small business is bordering on the edge of complete devastation. But the picture
being painted is not uncommon. Nearly all of today’s small businesses will come across a
moment when they wish they could do things differently. And when they hit that moment, they
might throw more money, time, and effort into their company in the desperate hope that things
will improve.

That is why I’m revealing the power of these 9 building blocks to you. So the next “moment” you
have is a moment of regret that you weren’t able to implement these ideas sooner. So that you
can quickly achieve the type of success you always dreamed of.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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