
What I Learned About Managing and Growing Small Businesses

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Years of interacting with small business owners brought me to some simple but significant conclusions.
I watched the same mistakes being made over and over again. I saw seemingly popular
companies close their doors for the last time. And I observed other companies skyrocket for
no apparent reason.

What I learned…is that the strategies for success were not unique to one industry, company, or business owner. Success was determined by the use of predictable, repeatable, simple actions. But not just any actions--the right actions.

The great news, and the reason I felt it necessary to
complete this book is that once small business owners
learned what they could do with their companies,
they began writing a completely different story for themselves. Gone was the “pain” of small
business ownership, and in its place was the “pleasure.” No longer was it a question of “will
I succeed?” but “how much success will I have?” I’ve watched desperate business owners
turn back into excited entrepreneurs when they found out what their small business could easily
and repeatedly accomplish.

Ultimately, these strategies morphed into the focal point for our company.
They were the driving force, the culmination of everything I had dreamed of doing for the small business owner and their employees. For years I’ve developed and refined these strategies so they would provide the most and best value for the small business owner.

And after all the refinement, I am finally able to introduce:

The Nine Building Blocks to
Doubling Your Sales
...Plus One Incredible Secret!
 I can’t even begin to express my excitement at finally
being able to reveal the building blocks. With the release
of these strategies, my goal, my drive, my need
to provide small business owners with valuable, lifechanging
information has been realized.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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