
do you fall in Drowning in the Sea of Similarity…and Boredom?

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There are over 400 million active websites on the Internet right now. That’s 400 million chances
Internet viewers are overlooking you for someone else. For the small business owner, the odds
don’t seem to be in your favor. In the minds of many small business owners, making your site stand out is about as realistic as winning the lottery.

Actually, lottery odds are slightly better. Unless you have the knowledge of
how to make your website work for you.

Think back to the days before the Internet. (Don’t worry. We’ll only reminisce about the dark
ages for a moment.) When consumers needed a product or service, they picked up the phone
book. Then, they’d spend an hour on the phone looking for the cheapest, most convenient business to meet their needs. With a static website, you are offering the consumer little more value than an ad in the yellow pages. You’re still forcing them to resort to time consuming, out-dated practices.

Now, let’s slip back into the present. Guess what? Most people are unwilling to exert the energy
of calling business after business to get the information they need. Today’s consumers, especially those using the Internet, are searching for a whole lot more. If you’ve got a static site, what sort of value are you offering your prospects? I guarantee the vast majority of
consumers are going to go looking for something a little more updated.

So now the question is…what should your website look
like? And what should your website be able to do for

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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