
How the “I Have Pain” Story Taught Me the Secret of Small Business Success

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Generally, when people write a book like this one, they save the “secret” for the last chapter. In an attempt to get you to read the entire book, they’ll share their strategies (in my case building blocks) with you and leave you on a high note with some amazing secret. I’m not going to do that.

You see, this book is so full of information that I have no doubt you will want to read every single chapter. But, more than that, the 9 building blocks do not hold their value nearly as well if you don’t know and adopt the power of the “secret.”

How the “I Have Pain” Story Taught Me the Secret of Small Business
 I need to readdress the story at the beginning of this book. You see, the story didn’t end with
the phone call. Quite the contrary! It was only that moment when I realized how we were going
to pull out of our stressful situation and start profitably growing our company. But I’m getting
ahead of myself. Let me explain.

After our “pain” conversation, Reed Hoisington ended up hiring us to write a software program
that would help him automatically follow up with prospects and customers, track communications, organize prospects and customers into groups, and run the whole “follow-up” function of his business. Reed was thrilled with what we created for him and he went away very happy.

But then he came back. Turns out, he had a bunch of mortgage broker clients who realized what
his software was doing for his business…and they wanted it for their businesses. So we “productized” the software program and provided it to a few dozen mortgage brokers, who began to ave about the product.

Things were going so well with our mortgage broker clients that we moved away from the custom software business and began selling our “follow-up machine” exclusively to mortgage brokers.
I was doing the selling, talking to prospects, following up with leads, educating people on
the benefits of our software…

…and then something amazing happened 
We began to use the follow-up features of the software in our own sales and marketing efforts. Suddenly, prospects I had never talked to were calling me up saying they were ready to buy. I was having conversations with people who had heard from me several months earlier and had
been receiving my follow-ups.

Streams of prospects were literally coming out of the wood work, calling me, emailing me. They
were hot and ready to buy.

And our business has never been the same since. Today, thousands of people use our software
every day to follow up, educate their prospects and customers, cultivate lasting relationships and
maximize the value of their prospect and customer lists.

What I want to share with you is not just my personal experience. Although my own experience
with follow-up techniques has been life-changing, I have seen this secret work for thousands of
entrepreneurs who have found a better way to sell and market their products and services.

I promise you that when you put this secret into play, it will change the way you do business. It
will increase your marketing and sales in ways you never believed possible.

So now that you know where I’m coming from, I want to tell you the secret. The same secret
that energizes the building blocks, helps you double your sales, and propels you toward success.
The secret is:


 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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