
Turning your Website into a Lead Capturing, Lead Converting Machine

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 Lead Converting Machine

Everybody knows one sided relationships (no matter what type of relationship it is) never work.
The same is true with websites. The website that is focused entirely upon the customer is the
one that will shine through the millions of others.

Visitors want to do something

Put a little kid in any room, and just wait. Within minutes they
will be running around, examining the furniture, picking things off the floor, getting into everything.
It would be nice to say we grow out of this. However, have you ever watched a father on Christmas morning? Once the kids have lost interest in their new toys, dad is going to try out
all the buttons.

Think about the marketing genius of “thebestwebsiteever.com.” First of all, what a great domain name. Secondly, they’re incredible. The home page allows customers to vote on their favorite
products: food, television shows, magazines, actors. An icon for each of the choices comes on the screen, and the visitor “votes” for the best choice in each category. However, clicking on the icon takes the voter straight to the icons home page. This website certainly understands that website visitors want to do something

Introducing your Internet viewers

1) People are egocentric. Subconsciously, they’re viewing your
webpage and thinking, “There are tons of companies just like you.
What are you going to do for me?”

2) People love being entertained. If they believe your website is
providing interesting information, you’ll have them hooked.

3) People want their opinions valued. This is why most companies
have incorporated a blog or forums--so that their customers can
put in their two cents.

4) And…this is the ticket to creating value for YOUR business...
visitors want to do something.

A few more suggestions of possible website content that
makes your site more customer-centric, and effective:

• Pictures and descriptions of your product

• Benefits of your product (directly
related to your buyer)

• Interesting facts, statistics,
• High interest stories

• Customer testimonials or responses

• Forums

Whatever you choose to include on your website, remember two important rules;

1) Make sure it’s interesting. Don’t bore your visitors and give them a reason to leave.
Engage their attention for as long as you can.

2) Capture your visitor’s information. Either through free downloads, exclusive information,
contests they have to sign up for, or some other method, you must acquire the
contact information for your leads.

Otherwise, you’re back to square one.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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