
would you like to Convert Supercharge to a Superstar!

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Whatever your negative opinion of the Internet might be, I want you to suspend it and view the
Internet as a small business owner’s best friend. With this positive frame of mind, let’s dig into
the benefits of using the Internet…and not just using it, but supercharging your website to maximize its value.

Personally, I love Web 2.0. Infusionsoft has a great time posting blogs, creating and posting
videos, and hosting user communities. If I could, I would bring every customer into our office to
experience the enthusiasm and high energy of our work environment. The Internet is our second
best choice for displaying our “passion” for helping small businesses.

Now let me take a minute to expose my own embarrassment. Do you remember how I said Infusionsoft  also struggled when we were first getting started? Our original website was as inadequate as the static sites I’m harping about. Our first few concepts were not the powerhouse tool we’ve made them. In the first few years of Infusionsoft, our website generated little interest and few customers. Within the last year alone, our website has generated interest at an exponential rate. (And brought in packs of new customers.)

Now, I’m not saying that a supercharged website requires videos, user communities, and every
other form of social networking interaction. I’m just pointing out that they work, they’re effective,
and they’re drawing the attention of millions of viewers a day. The more involved you are in providing your viewers with Web 2.0 technology, the more likely you are to grab and keep
their attention.

There’s some tough competition out there. I’m certain you haven’t forgotten about the 400 million
websites you’ll be fighting against. But what a great competition! And what an unbelievable
opportunity to demonstrate why you are a true entrepreneur!

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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