Forex Trading Information

FOREX :-the foreign exchange. market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market with the daily volume of more than $3.2 trillion.Trading on this market involves buying and selling world currencies taking the profit from the exchange rates difference

Make Money With Google AdSense

Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site.In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.


do you need for CREDIT CARD??so what Type of Credit Card You are Interested in. do you know what the best card to you?. let me show you the world

What is loans?

Loan is an amount of money advanced to a borrower, to be repaid at a later date, usually with interest.legally, a loan is a contrat between a buyer (the borrower) and a seller(the lender)more.

What Does Network Marketing Actually Mean

If you have ever been interested in starting a home business then most likely you've heard about Network Marketing. Although the Network Marketing industry has been receiving massive attention lately because of the Internet, Network Marketing is not new and has been a concept that has been around for more than 80 years

What Type of Business Should You Start

You have made the decision to start a business. Now you are asking yourself, "What type of business should I start?" let me help you.


You Got the Prospect to Buy-Now What?

 You Got the Prospect to Buy-Now What?

To turn your prospect into a customer, keep it simple, keep it short, and keep it interesting. Make your message the one that stands out and answers the question: why you? If you can follow these techniques, you will have more customers than you know what to do with. And, with that many more customers, how much money will you be pulling in?

I’m sure you’re tallying the extra cash in 
your head right now. But I’m not finished. I’m not even close to being finished. You can  still do more.There are still additional ways to pull in more income.

In the next chapter, I am going to teach you how you can win lifelong customers--and further increase your revenue.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Reveal Your Personality in your business Show, Don't Tell

 Reveal Your Personality in your business  Show, Don't Tell

I’ve saved the best conversion technique to the end, because I am so excited to talk about it. At the risk of overloading you with suggestions, the one final method for converting your prospects and moving them through the sale is: Show, Don’t Tell. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the time to approach each one of your prospects in person? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could sit in front of your prospects and share your product with them?

Imagine being able to sell face-to-face without having to work yourself half to death. With webinars and demos, your prospects can be part of your direct sales pitch from the comfort and privacy of their own home or office. With webinars and online demos, they’re just a few mouse clicks away from listening to all the information you’re “willing” to impart.

Our most successful method for getting people to purchase Infusionsoft is by “showing” them
what Infusionsoft can do. When we send campaigns, our goal is to get the prospect to an online
demo first. After that, selling becomes a whole lot easier.

Reveal Your Personality 
• Use conversational language.
• Laugh at yourself and your mistakes.
• Don’t compartmentalize your business and personal lives--discuss the “stuff” of your personal life with your prospects and customers.
• Talk about what you like, what interests you, what annoys you.
• View prospects and customers as friends.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Get Personal or Why People Love Snakes

 Get Personal   in you work or Why People Love Snakes

Another tactic for selling to your customers is to offer more of yourself. If you want phenomenal
results you need to give your prospects what they want. And what they want is you. They want
your personality. They want you to be real with them. They want you to be straight up, helpful,
and sincere. They don’t want the slick salesperson. They want your spin, your angle, your advice,
your perspective. What they don’t want is corporate dribble or pushy salesmen.
It’s kind of funny. All those clichés about being yourself and finding your groove and letting your
light shine are all at the heart of “Convert your Funnel.”
Think of the way Steve Erwin managed to get thousands, even millions of people to love snakes. I’m not saying that watching his nature show made me want to jump out and hold one. All I am saying is that by sharing his love of snakes and other reptiles with the world and by being himself, the Crocodile Hunter in effect made reptiles appealing. Or at least appealing to watch. If you can put that much of yourself into your products and sales, you will draw all kinds of interest.
Build Your Own Fan Club! Share what you know

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Content Rich Materials Add Value AND Revenue to your business

 Add Value & Add Revenue
I want you to keep one thing in mind. Content rich materials. Obviously not all of your followup material is going to be centered in valuable information. Sometimes you just need to inform your prospects you have a sale coming up or that the offer you presented before is going to expire. However, a good portion of your follow-up materials should be valuable to your customers.

Let me clarify what I mean by valuable. Value does not include discounting your prices or offering free bonuses. Those tactics certainly work. But any company can do that. The value I am talking about is any knowledge you
impart to your prospect that they will appreciate.

Let me give you a few examples. If you run a sporting goods store, you might choose to send an email letting your customers know the dates for the upcoming X-games. You’re following up with your prospect. But in this case, there is no sale. (At least not an apparent one. You are always selling.)

What if you are a mortgage company?
Rather than start tooting the “we have the lowest rates” horn, perhaps you could send a report that explains the
differences between adjustable and fixed rates. Think of all the individuals who have recently lost their homes because they got loans they were unable
to pay. What if you were the one company that took the time to educate your prospects? It would certainly set you apart.

Quick word of warning: valuable follow-up messages should be interesting or informative. Determine beforehand what information your prospects could benefit from and send that.

Adding value assists you in creating more customers in three ways:
1) You’re keeping your name in front of the prospect. Converting your funnel can only
be done if you are following up. (Didn’t I tell you the building blocks and “secret”
needed to be implemented together?)

2) Your prospect will think of your consideration the next time they buy products like
yours and a sense of obligation will encourage them to visit your store.

3) You’re building trust. The strong relationship you build with your prospects will
carry on once they are your customers.

The value technique allows you to give your prospect something without
adding the fear of the “hard sell.” Get them used to reading your emails or
direct mail pieces without attaching it to the reflexive “No!” Because in this
case, there is nothing to say no to. Let them grow comfortable with the information
you’re “handing out,” and then drive them to the sell later.

Your first step is simply to become the welcomed guest. Think of that guy you invite to all your
parties because he always has such interesting stories to share. This could be you--the person
everyone wants to be around. Because you have so much to offer.

Creating valuable content doesn’t have to be complicated either. You know more about your product than anybody else. Share what you know. Throw in those fun facts, and interesting stories, and you’ll quickly build a fan club. There is a world of possibilities when it comes to sending valuable follow-up marketing materials. Such as:

• Free Reports
• Free Whitepapers
• Downloads
• Emails with tips, tricks, and stories
• Links to news articles
• Newsletters
• And just about anything else!

With valuable content, you have your foot in the door. You’re coming in as the welcomed guest, rather than the unwanted pest. Now, let’s do what you’re really there to do…build the relationship and make the sale!
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Are you crazy? why you use Valueless Messages in business ?

Valueless Messages Companies continuously try to “force” people into buying their products. They don’t know how to do anything else. They’ve got a product, they need it sold, so they’re going to take the most direct approach and keep trying until they find someone who agrees to buy. But is it a matter of sell at all costs? Selling shouldn’t be painful.

In order to make the sale, small businesses must answer the question: why you? Why should
your prospect choose you as the company to do business with? What have you offered them that others can’t?

Usually, the answer is “nothing”. Whatever you are willing to give, another person is willing to match.

For example, if one dentist gives away a free toothbrush with every visit, another dentist gives a toothbrush and toothpaste. Still another hands out a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a two-minute egg timer. And so it continues, because none of the dentists are differentiating themselves or offering what other dentists are not. None of them are really offering anything of value. They are not giving their prospective patient the “why me” answer they so desperately want. “Choose me, because I’ll give you a free toothbrush” is not an adequate reason for picking a dentist.

Prospects are searching for value. Value they usually don’t find in typical
marketing messages. Value that small business owners are neglecting to
include and therefore failing to differentiate themselves.
When it comes to spending money, if you don’t stand out, if you don’t give the prospect a real reason to buy, they won’t. Despite the money Americans are willing to spend, you, as the small business owner, must draw them in and convince them that your business is the place to spend it.

The following three sections provide you with three conversion techniques
that do precisely that.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

In business Never Trust a Man Who Says, “Trust Me!”

By this time, you should be thinking about how you are going to fill your funnel.
You should also realize that you need a follow-up system in place in order stay
in front of the leads you generate. Now this chapter relies heavily on our secret
of mastering the moment. In fact, the process of turning prospects to customers
depends on your ability to execute the secret faithfully.

When you choose to interact with your prospects through follow-up, the messages you send
need to have a purpose, or some value attached in order to be effective. That is precisely what
“Convert Your Funnel” refers to. It addresses the type of messages and sales tactics that you use to move prospects down the funnel and finally convert them into customers.

This process is often referred to as sales force automation. It includes everything in the sales
process, such as, keeping and updating prospect information, a contact tracking system, and the valuable information you provide your prospects. In other words, it’s every effort you make to
turn prospects into buyers. (That includes providing a lot of “moments” to master.)
Never Trust a Man Who Says,
“Trust Me!”

You can no longer place a product on the market, give it a price tag, tell your customers it’s a great deal, and have them make a purchase. If you’ve been in business very long, you know the whole “trust me” tactic doesn’t work. The more you say trust me, the more that little warning voice is going off in the heads of your prospects and customers.

So don’t expect your prospects to immediately see the value of your product. Show them the value. If you can think back to your high school and college English classes, you probably remember hearing the phrase “show don’t tell.” The same thing holds true for marketing. To convert your customers, they need to know exactly what they will be receiving, and exactly how it is going to have an impact on their lives.

You can have the greatest product in the world, at the best price you’ve ever seen, be following
up continuously, and still not see the results you want. If that happens, it’s because you have failed to convert. Do your prospects understand the benefits of your product? Did the information
you gave them make them want to buy? Do they trust you?

Remember, if you fail to move your prospect through the funnel, you’re not
making money.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


How to Capture Your Leads to Capture More Dollars?

No matter where your leads are generated from, you are not the only person trying to sell to the
“hot” lead. I’m aware of several lead generating agencies that farm identical leads out to several
small business owners. And they still charge an arm and a leg for the leads. I’m not telling you
to ignore the “hot” leads. Quite the contrary. Get the sales you can now, just don’t ignore the
value of your other leads.

Here is the strategy I hope you carry away from this building block. Assign ALL your leads the
value they deserve. Treat each prospect as if they were already your customer, and remember
that a vast number of them will be. There is no way to gage right now what a lead will be worth
in the future. Why take risks with potential dollars?

For small businesses to reach those daunting financial goals, they must generate and “keep”
their lead information. Leads are only worth the sales that come from them. But you never know
when the sale will occur. Remember, consumers are working on their schedule, not yours.

So, the next natural question is: I’ve got my leads, where do I go from here?

I’m so glad you asked.
Assign ALL your leads the value they
deserve. Treat each prospect as if they were
already your customer, and remember that a
vast number of them will be.
Your next customer?

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Becoming a Better Salesperson

I’m going to admit something that may sound a little arrogant. I have tens of thousands of
customers. They just might not be buying from me right now. Have you ever noticed what an
impact perspective has on our actions? Whenever I’m talking to any small business owner, I am
thinking, “This is one of my customers.” I don’t even have a chance to tell them what Infusionsoft
does before I have categorized them as “Customer” in my head.

Many times, it is due to my perceived value of this person that small business owners want to learn more about Infusionsoft. It’s because I treat them differently. Unlike the story about the
pest control salesman, my initial conversation gives me a chance to begin a relationship with
this person. And I take advantage of that moment. Whether they buy today, or go in my funnel,
I treat every small business owner I talk to in exactly the same way. Because you never know
what is keeping this person from buying your phenomenal product or service.

And then, as I pointed out before, some people just aren’t ready to buy yet. But with a prospect
database you’re saying, “You know what? Whether you buy from me today or not, you’re important to me. I am going to keep your information.” The prospect may not have a clue that you
have a database waiting in the wings. But they’re going to feel it. Because they can sense the
importance you attribute to them.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

You Don't Have to Be the Pushy Sales Guy let me show you

When you start to understand the importance of EVERY lead, you’ll notice your sales tactics change. Think of the way you, other small business owners, and salespeople attempt to make a sale. What tactics do you use? And what do you do when you realize a sale is just not going to happen?

A young couple I know were down on their luck. They’d bought and lived in a new house, paying
all kinds of new bills for one year. Then without warning, the husband lost his job. One day, a
pest control salesman stopped by to see if he could sign the couple up for quarterly treatments.
The wife tried to politely decline, but the salesman kept pushing. After three attempts to get
rid of the man, the wife explained that her husband was currently unemployed. The salesman’s
response was a disappointed, “Oh.” Then he left. After all, he wasn’t getting a commission from
that house. Why should he bother to be polite?

That young couple soon got back on their feet, and when they started spotting Black Widows
around their yard, they wanted to call a pest control company. Guess who they didn’t even consider?

Imagine how this story could have been different if the salesman had simply said, “I understand
you may not be ready for pest control now. May I come by later in the year?” What if he had
filled his funnel with a future customer?

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

What is The Price of Lost Leads

What is the ultimate result of lost or discarded leads? Well, really there is only one answer to
that question. You’ll have to seek out more leads. And thus the process begins again. You’ll pour
more money into lead generation or purchase, make the quick sales, lose or discard the rest,
and have to find more leads again.

And in this process, not only are you spending more money in marketing
efforts and in purchasing leads, but you’re leaving thousands of dollars just
sitting on the table.

I want to do a quick calculation. Let’s say your company spends $2,000 on marketing materials
and is able to generate 100 leads. Of those leads, 5 people instantly become customers and
spend about $300 a month. Over the next 12 months, your company brings in $18,000. That’s a decent return on your investment.

Now, what if 20 of those leads will eventually become customers but weren’t ready yet? However, you followed up with them until they were. To make this easy, we’ll say all 20 warm leads sign up after one year. From your $2,000 marketing effort, you brought in $18,000 the first year AND $72,000 later on down the road.

Had you thrown away the leads, that additional income would be lost. That’s certainly not something you can afford when you’re trying to double your sales.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

today’s leads are tomorow’buyers!

In this chapter, I am going to introduce you to the funnel. The funnel will be
used for several of the building blocks, because it is imperative to small business
improvement. So, before I explain what I mean by “Fill the Funnel,” take a
look at the graphic below.
Let me ask you a question. What do you do with your leads once you have them? “Fill your Funnel”
is about gathering, sorting, and using lead information to begin creating moments of interaction
with your prospects.

You see, leads are a powerful resource to have. Today’s leads are tomorrow’s
buyers, or next month’s, or next year’s. So you need to understand
the importance of your leads. The entire basis of this chapter is to encourage
small business owners to create a workable, prospect database that
they can market to later.

By putting those leads in your database, you are securing a lucrative future for your company.
The more leads you have in your funnel, the more buyers you’re going to have down the road.
(Because you’re going to be constantly standing in front of them.)

What happens when leads are not put into the funnel? Where do they go? Let’s say you or your salesperson went through the entire list of leads and found the ones that were ready to buy now. What did you do with the rest of them? My guess, they’re gone for good. It may not be intentional, but because of the overwhelming nature of running a small business, those other leads are usually lost, or wind up in the trash.


A struggling loan officer decided to quit his job. He had tried the mortgage business for six
months and only closed two small loans. At the mortgage broker’s request, the loan
officer decided to give the mortgage business one more month.

“Great,” the broker said, “Go back to your leads.”

“What leads?” came the response.

“You pre-approved seven people in your first month. What happened to them?”

The loan officer shrugged his shoulders. “One hadn’t found a house yet. Two had some
credit issues. One was waiting for her husband to get back from Iraq. And I never heard
from the other three.”

The mortgage broker said, “Well, it’s a good start. Give them a call today.”

The loan officer stared in horror at his boss and confessed, “I threw their stuff away. I
didn’t think I would need it.”

Granted this story shows the employee’s ignorance in not filling the funnel, but it’s a good
illustration of the pain losing or discarding leads can cause.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


tell me why you still using internet?

There has never been a more accessible market in any other decade. Using the Internet correctly can popularize your name and produce more customers than was ever possible before. That means, potentially, there is more money available to you than ever before.

Business owners are done sitting around and hoping local customers patronize their stores. Geography can no longer limit the number of sales a small business owner can accrue.

But, like I said, you have to use the Internet
correctly. Just having a website is not sufficient.
You have to make the website work for

What is amazing to me is even with all this information,
small businesses will choose to have a static website, or no website at all. Whether or not you
choose to use the Internet as a tool, you can guarantee your competition is…or will. Your supercharged
website is your gateway to a larger audience. You need this market, you want this
market, and if your website is set up properly, these consumers will be falling directly into your

Marketing coach Larry Chase said, “Like China, the Internet is a huge new market. It’s up to you
to figure out what to do with it. Use it as a prospecting tool, make connections with people, add
value for your existing customers.”

The Internet is the Tupperware party for the twenty-first century. It’s the new source for selling.
And guess what? If you don’t get in on it, you’ll be left sitting on the porch with your product.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Turning your Website into a Lead Capturing, Lead Converting Machine

 Lead Converting Machine

Everybody knows one sided relationships (no matter what type of relationship it is) never work.
The same is true with websites. The website that is focused entirely upon the customer is the
one that will shine through the millions of others.

Visitors want to do something

Put a little kid in any room, and just wait. Within minutes they
will be running around, examining the furniture, picking things off the floor, getting into everything.
It would be nice to say we grow out of this. However, have you ever watched a father on Christmas morning? Once the kids have lost interest in their new toys, dad is going to try out
all the buttons.

Think about the marketing genius of “” First of all, what a great domain name. Secondly, they’re incredible. The home page allows customers to vote on their favorite
products: food, television shows, magazines, actors. An icon for each of the choices comes on the screen, and the visitor “votes” for the best choice in each category. However, clicking on the icon takes the voter straight to the icons home page. This website certainly understands that website visitors want to do something

Introducing your Internet viewers

1) People are egocentric. Subconsciously, they’re viewing your
webpage and thinking, “There are tons of companies just like you.
What are you going to do for me?”

2) People love being entertained. If they believe your website is
providing interesting information, you’ll have them hooked.

3) People want their opinions valued. This is why most companies
have incorporated a blog or forums--so that their customers can
put in their two cents.

4) And…this is the ticket to creating value for YOUR business...
visitors want to do something.

A few more suggestions of possible website content that
makes your site more customer-centric, and effective:

• Pictures and descriptions of your product

• Benefits of your product (directly
related to your buyer)

• Interesting facts, statistics,
• High interest stories

• Customer testimonials or responses

• Forums

Whatever you choose to include on your website, remember two important rules;

1) Make sure it’s interesting. Don’t bore your visitors and give them a reason to leave.
Engage their attention for as long as you can.

2) Capture your visitor’s information. Either through free downloads, exclusive information,
contests they have to sign up for, or some other method, you must acquire the
contact information for your leads.

Otherwise, you’re back to square one.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

would you like to Convert Supercharge to a Superstar!

Whatever your negative opinion of the Internet might be, I want you to suspend it and view the
Internet as a small business owner’s best friend. With this positive frame of mind, let’s dig into
the benefits of using the Internet…and not just using it, but supercharging your website to maximize its value.

Personally, I love Web 2.0. Infusionsoft has a great time posting blogs, creating and posting
videos, and hosting user communities. If I could, I would bring every customer into our office to
experience the enthusiasm and high energy of our work environment. The Internet is our second
best choice for displaying our “passion” for helping small businesses.

Now let me take a minute to expose my own embarrassment. Do you remember how I said Infusionsoft  also struggled when we were first getting started? Our original website was as inadequate as the static sites I’m harping about. Our first few concepts were not the powerhouse tool we’ve made them. In the first few years of Infusionsoft, our website generated little interest and few customers. Within the last year alone, our website has generated interest at an exponential rate. (And brought in packs of new customers.)

Now, I’m not saying that a supercharged website requires videos, user communities, and every
other form of social networking interaction. I’m just pointing out that they work, they’re effective,
and they’re drawing the attention of millions of viewers a day. The more involved you are in providing your viewers with Web 2.0 technology, the more likely you are to grab and keep
their attention.

There’s some tough competition out there. I’m certain you haven’t forgotten about the 400 million
websites you’ll be fighting against. But what a great competition! And what an unbelievable
opportunity to demonstrate why you are a true entrepreneur!

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

do you fall in Drowning in the Sea of Similarity…and Boredom?

There are over 400 million active websites on the Internet right now. That’s 400 million chances
Internet viewers are overlooking you for someone else. For the small business owner, the odds
don’t seem to be in your favor. In the minds of many small business owners, making your site stand out is about as realistic as winning the lottery.

Actually, lottery odds are slightly better. Unless you have the knowledge of
how to make your website work for you.

Think back to the days before the Internet. (Don’t worry. We’ll only reminisce about the dark
ages for a moment.) When consumers needed a product or service, they picked up the phone
book. Then, they’d spend an hour on the phone looking for the cheapest, most convenient business to meet their needs. With a static website, you are offering the consumer little more value than an ad in the yellow pages. You’re still forcing them to resort to time consuming, out-dated practices.

Now, let’s slip back into the present. Guess what? Most people are unwilling to exert the energy
of calling business after business to get the information they need. Today’s consumers, especially those using the Internet, are searching for a whole lot more. If you’ve got a static site, what sort of value are you offering your prospects? I guarantee the vast majority of
consumers are going to go looking for something a little more updated.

So now the question is…what should your website look
like? And what should your website be able to do for

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

how to Harness the Power of the Internet in my site?

Because you’re an entrepreneur, I’d be willing to bet you already have a website
up and running. And that’s great. But have you taken that website to the next
level? I speak with far too many companies that throw a couple webpages together,
put them online and call it good.

What is a random visitor supposed to do with a website like that? Most viewers will give you
about 10 seconds to decide if your site is worth viewing. If you have really interesting content,
they might give you 30 seconds. If you haven’t used your space on the Internet to capture and
retain their attention, the next thing you know, the person is gone.

Now, call me old fashioned, but I believe that when I invest my own time, or pay for someone to
create something for me, it should do what I need it to do. In the case of small businesses, they
need customers. So this chapter discusses the need to get your website working for you.

Your website should attract viewers, provide an interactive experience for them, and ultimately,
provide you with additional leads. But too many websites fail to do all three (or even just one) of
these things.

Harness the Power of the Internet

The average adult spends up to 3 hours a day more on the Internet than they spend watching television. About 70% of the U.S. population regularly use the Internet. Over 1 billion people in the world are online. And this is a vast chunk of your market! These are your customers! But only if you have a website that draws them in.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the power of the Internet. In fact, an Arthur Anderson study (Survey of Small and Mid- Sized Businesses: Trends for 2000) showed that 16% of small business owners viewed the Internet as a threat. I sincerely hope that 8 years later, that number has decreased to 0% percent. The Internet is not a hindrance or a threat to small businesses. In actuality, not using the Internet, or not maximizing your web presence can have devastating consequences.

It’s as if some unspoken fear of the Internet keeps small businesses from capitalizing on Internet
possibilities. They have a website because they were told to get one. But, they don’t truly understand that their web presence might mean the difference between a small market, and an enormous market.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

What Does Master of the Moment Mean?

This idea came from one basic marketing principle: People buy when THEY are ready to buy, not when you are ready to sell.

No matter how great your product or service is, some people are simply not ready for it. Even if
they’ve purchased from you before, they may not be ready to do so again. They might not be in
a financial position to buy. Perhaps they don’t realize how wonderful your product or service is.
Or, maybe they have too many other things on their mind to pay attention to you. Whatever the
reason, a large portion of your target market isn’t going to purchase from you right now.
 That doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t buy (or buy again) eventually. Most of them will. And your job as the “master of the moment” is to be standing there when they do!

Consumers act according to their own, incalculable reasoning. For example, Dave, our Vice President of Marketing received a call from a guy that was recovering in the hospital from serious abdominal surgery. The man said he appreciated all our follow-up work and the information we had sent him over the past year. He was now ready to buy. After checking to make sure the man wasn’t heavily medicated,
Dave went ahead and told him he’d need a credit card to place his order. The man had to get out of bed to reach his wallet. A few moans and grunts later, he was reading off his billing information and we had a new customer!

Timing is everything...Once again, you never know when a prospect or customer is going to be ready to buy! If you’re not following up with your prospects and customers on a regular basis,
someone else is going to land that business. And guess what? That “someone else” who lands
the business will be your competitor, who either:

1) Followed up relentlessly; or (more likely)
2) Got lucky enough to cross paths with your prospects and customers at the right

You don’t want to leave new or repeat business up to chance, not unless you like being poor
or losing to your competitor. No one does! But staying in front of your contacts is probably the
single greatest challenge in your business.

And that is why you must learn to “master the moment.” You need to be standing there for
every possible selling opportunity.

You need to be there when your prospects decide to give your product a
try. But you also need to be there when your customers make a second or
third purchase. You should be there to promote up-sells and cross-sells.
You should be providing your customers and prospects with continual opportunities
to build a relationship with you.
Basically, it all boils down to this: as a small business owner, it is your responsibility to create
moments of interaction with your prospects and customers. But you must also learn to maximize
those moments in order to close more sales, gain more customers, and grow your business.

Which is exactly where the building blocks come in.

They are the tools for creating and making the
most of your contact moments with your prospects and customers.

“Mastering the moment” is your ultimate key to crossing the edge into unbelievable small business success and quickly doubling your sales!

The Building Blocks are tools for making the most
of contact moments with:

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

How the “I Have Pain” Story Taught Me the Secret of Small Business Success

Generally, when people write a book like this one, they save the “secret” for the last chapter. In an attempt to get you to read the entire book, they’ll share their strategies (in my case building blocks) with you and leave you on a high note with some amazing secret. I’m not going to do that.

You see, this book is so full of information that I have no doubt you will want to read every single chapter. But, more than that, the 9 building blocks do not hold their value nearly as well if you don’t know and adopt the power of the “secret.”

How the “I Have Pain” Story Taught Me the Secret of Small Business
 I need to readdress the story at the beginning of this book. You see, the story didn’t end with
the phone call. Quite the contrary! It was only that moment when I realized how we were going
to pull out of our stressful situation and start profitably growing our company. But I’m getting
ahead of myself. Let me explain.

After our “pain” conversation, Reed Hoisington ended up hiring us to write a software program
that would help him automatically follow up with prospects and customers, track communications, organize prospects and customers into groups, and run the whole “follow-up” function of his business. Reed was thrilled with what we created for him and he went away very happy.

But then he came back. Turns out, he had a bunch of mortgage broker clients who realized what
his software was doing for his business…and they wanted it for their businesses. So we “productized” the software program and provided it to a few dozen mortgage brokers, who began to ave about the product.

Things were going so well with our mortgage broker clients that we moved away from the custom software business and began selling our “follow-up machine” exclusively to mortgage brokers.
I was doing the selling, talking to prospects, following up with leads, educating people on
the benefits of our software…

…and then something amazing happened 
We began to use the follow-up features of the software in our own sales and marketing efforts. Suddenly, prospects I had never talked to were calling me up saying they were ready to buy. I was having conversations with people who had heard from me several months earlier and had
been receiving my follow-ups.

Streams of prospects were literally coming out of the wood work, calling me, emailing me. They
were hot and ready to buy.

And our business has never been the same since. Today, thousands of people use our software
every day to follow up, educate their prospects and customers, cultivate lasting relationships and
maximize the value of their prospect and customer lists.

What I want to share with you is not just my personal experience. Although my own experience
with follow-up techniques has been life-changing, I have seen this secret work for thousands of
entrepreneurs who have found a better way to sell and market their products and services.

I promise you that when you put this secret into play, it will change the way you do business. It
will increase your marketing and sales in ways you never believed possible.

So now that you know where I’m coming from, I want to tell you the secret. The same secret
that energizes the building blocks, helps you double your sales, and propels you toward success.
The secret is:


 © 2008 By Clate Mask

What Does Doubling Your Sales Have to do with Small Business Pains?

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Clate, I would really like to double my sales, but I’m too tired and too
stressed to think about that right now.” Good point. Let me put it this way, the same strategies
you will use to double your sales--automatically ease the typical small business pains: lack of
time, lack of energy, financial obligations, and the inability to break free from the chains of small
business ownership.

I know, it might sound too good to be true. These building blocks are going to double your sales
and make small business ownership easier? Yes. Without beating around the bush, that’s exactly what I’m saying. You can accomplish more in less time and with less effort. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Work Smarter, Not Harder.” It’s a great phrase, but now it’s time to put that phrase into action!

I’m going to show you how. But first let me demonstrate how quickly incorporating
these building blocks can make a diference.

A Few Short Months to Success
Chet Womach -

A couple years ago, Infusionsoft received a call from a man who taught parrots how to be properly behaved. This man, like many others, was frustrated with his small business and was searching for solutions. He had a great, unique company. However, managing his overhead was too much. He failed to fulfill orders on time, had no way of following up with his customers and contacts, and was otherwise buried in his business. Sounds like a common story. 
What we gave him is the basis of the same nine
building blocks I am offering you. Within two
months, the man doubled his sales and turned his
company around. Now, his business is thriving and
he couldn’t be happier.
I had another customer call up and say, “My dream is to run my business while sitting on the
beach in front of my home.” One of our salespeople, Larry, chatted with this gentleman for a
while and discovered…he didn’t own a home on a beach. He does now!

The 9 building blocks may not work in exactly the same way for every company,
but they do work. I’m going to show you how. But first, let me tell you
the must know secret to success. 
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Is Doubling Your Sales the Best Goal to Achieve?

I’ve had a lot of people come to me and say, “Clate, the information you’re providing small businesses
is priceless. But why would you want to make ‘doubling your sales’ the goal for small
businesses following your building blocks?”

There’s three parts to that answer. First, in all honesty, who doesn’t want to double their sales?
If one dollar is good, isn’t two better? Would it be more pleasing to grow by the same base
amount every year, or to increase your sales exponentially?

study the growth rates of major corporations, and a typical pattern occurs. Small
business do not evolve from “doing okay” one day, to making millions the next. It comes a piece
at a time. If a company repeatedly doubles their sales in the first few years of development,
they will be mimicking the results of large, profitable companies. I would love to see everyone
that uses the building blocks turn their small businesses into big businesses.

you’ve got to start somewhere. Doubling your sales is not only possible, it’s measurable.
Two is an easy number to measure.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask

But Why Should I Follow These Nine Building Blocks?

Before I get any further, I’d like to introduce the nine building blocks. An adequate description of
each building block will be provided in individual chapters. However, as you’ll want to think about
how they relate to each other, here they are:

The building blocks are interrelated strategies which, when collectively implemented, produce phenomenal results. Understand that the building blocks do not follow a particular order.
One does not necessarily build upon the other. 
And, although the building blocks tend to be closely related, by the end of each chapter, I feel certain you will understand the singular importance of each one.

But Why Should I Follow These Nine Building Blocks?

In actuality, I could have picked a different number, 8 or 10. It really came down to a matter of
choice. However, the number 9 along with “one secret” (which I will reveal in a moment) happily
encompasses the most important techniques, or secrets to doubling sales. With 9 building
blocks, I am able to clearly define the pains small businesses are struggling through and clearly identify specific, changeable behaviors that increase revenue, liberate the small business owner, and lead to unbelievable success.

The more building blocks a small business owner chooses to incorporate,
the more growth they will witness. That being said, simply having this
knowledge is not going to propel your company forward. After reading this
book, it is up to you to decide whether or not you’ll benefit from it.

It’s amazing to me how many small business owners, imprisoned in their own offices, refuse to
do anything about it. They become so bogged down with their daily dance to stay alive that they
become short-sighted and are unwilling to look beyond the day-to-day grind.
True, this short-sightedness might never hinder a company--just as long as the business owner
never gets sick, or the economy doesn’t dip. But “the only predictable thing in life is that
life is unpredictable.”

One of our sales guys received a call from a mortgage broker several months ago. The broker
was living the high life. He’d made extraordinary amounts of money when the housing market
boomed. But, as the market slowed, his business naturally began to taper off. He was curious
about Infusionsoft and what we could do to help grow his business. However, he wasn’t really
motivated to do anything…yet. He’d saved up enough money from the housing explosion to keep him flying high for a while. This man hung up the phone promising to think about the things he’d been told, but he felt confident the market would stabilize and his business would continue to prosper on its own.

Well, a recent follow-up call with this same mortgage broker didn’t end on such a happy note.
The money was gone. The company had accrued massive debts. And the man was willing to try
ANYTHING to keep his business alive. He’d already given himself a three month timeline before
he lost it all.

Now, not every small business is bordering on the edge of complete devastation. But the picture
being painted is not uncommon. Nearly all of today’s small businesses will come across a
moment when they wish they could do things differently. And when they hit that moment, they
might throw more money, time, and effort into their company in the desperate hope that things
will improve.

That is why I’m revealing the power of these 9 building blocks to you. So the next “moment” you
have is a moment of regret that you weren’t able to implement these ideas sooner. So that you
can quickly achieve the type of success you always dreamed of.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

What I Learned About Managing and Growing Small Businesses

Years of interacting with small business owners brought me to some simple but significant conclusions.
I watched the same mistakes being made over and over again. I saw seemingly popular
companies close their doors for the last time. And I observed other companies skyrocket for
no apparent reason.

What I learned…is that the strategies for success were not unique to one industry, company, or business owner. Success was determined by the use of predictable, repeatable, simple actions. But not just any actions--the right actions.

The great news, and the reason I felt it necessary to
complete this book is that once small business owners
learned what they could do with their companies,
they began writing a completely different story for themselves. Gone was the “pain” of small
business ownership, and in its place was the “pleasure.” No longer was it a question of “will
I succeed?” but “how much success will I have?” I’ve watched desperate business owners
turn back into excited entrepreneurs when they found out what their small business could easily
and repeatedly accomplish.

Ultimately, these strategies morphed into the focal point for our company.
They were the driving force, the culmination of everything I had dreamed of doing for the small business owner and their employees. For years I’ve developed and refined these strategies so they would provide the most and best value for the small business owner.

And after all the refinement, I am finally able to introduce:

The Nine Building Blocks to
Doubling Your Sales
...Plus One Incredible Secret!
 I can’t even begin to express my excitement at finally
being able to reveal the building blocks. With the release
of these strategies, my goal, my drive, my need
to provide small business owners with valuable, lifechanging
information has been realized.
 © 2008 By Clate Mask


The Real Pain of the Small Business Owner

Since creating Infusionsoft, we have heard thousands of painful stories from small business owners trying to manage and grow their companies. We hear about all the blood, sweat, and tears that do nothing more than get a company through to the next week, so the exhausted business owner can do it all again. Some of the stories that have been shared with us make our rough beginning look like a walk in the park.

Besides selling their products or services, managing employees, handling the overhead, and
budgeting their expenses, small business owners really have little time for anything else. The
sad truth is that few business owners are able to spend any time growing and expanding their
business. Their attention is being constantly pulled one direction after another, and by the time
they have a moment to themselves, they are too drained to do anything more than run the same
old gauntlet.

In many cases, the struggles of small business ownership spread far
beyond the walls of their company.


Think of the impact long hours at the office have on family life. The business owner works all
day, deals with unpleasant customers, and is constantly putting out one fire after another. By
the time they go home, they’re tired, frustrated, and short on patience. I’m sure you can guess
(if you don’t already know) what this end-of-day exhaustion does to marriages, parenthood, and
other important relationships.

Online, I attempted to find an exact statistic about the number of business owners that
divorce while trying to get their companies up and running. What I discovered was much more interesting. Hundreds of thousands of websites offer advice on what to do when, as a small business owner, you get divorced. No one is offering any suggestions for how to keep a family together and still run a company.
They all teach would-be entrepreneurs how to protect their assets from their spouse once they split. In other words, the world seems to
have given up on the odds of staying happily married and growing a company.

Even if you’re able to manage both family and business responsibilities, even if you have a compassionate spouse like mine (who worried about what to feed the kids but still encouraged my efforts), even if you don’t have a family waiting at home, there are other factors to consider.


According to famed economics professor Scott A. Shane, approximately 65% of small businesses are founded on the savings and personal debts of the business owner. That is money that has come directly from the owner’s pocket. Money that is irreplaceable should the business have a poor month, quarter, or year. The strain of having to repay borrowed money only adds a significant amount of stress to an already taxing situation. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “lose the shirt off your back.” For many small business owners, this is quite literally the case. They’ve invested every last dollar they can in the hope of creating a better life for themselves. And, should the company go belly up, this person isn’t instantly absolved of their obligation.

Two of my employees were recently lamenting about their failed business ventures. The first had
taken out a bank loan to finance an invention that never caught on. At the time of the conversation, she was still paying on her outstanding debt of $15,000. The other heard the story of the first and chuckled. He said, “I wish that was all I had left to pay.” This man had borrowed money from friends and family, lost his product due to poor storage, and never quite regained his footing with his company. His debts were so great, he was too embarrassed to relate how much money he’d lost.

These are my employees, my friends, individuals I personally care about,
and by the time I heard their stories there was nothing I could do for them.
There was nothing, in fact, that anybody could do for them short of paying
their financial obligations.


Another concern of the small business owner is the simple issue of happiness. You see, the vast
majority of entrepreneurs start their own businesses to avoid working for someone else. And to
find happiness doing something they love. But, although business owners may start their companies with high hopes and ambition, inevitably, the business becomes the master…and the business owner, a slave to his/her own creation. The excitement and passion they once felt for their company gets buried under a mountain of invoices and paperwork.

Like I said before, we hear all kinds of heart-wrenching stories when small businesses turn to
Infusionsoft for help. Many small business owners are in search of that one last miracle-solution
before they give up altogether. Even then, they’re often so overwhelmed they don’t really have
a desire to make their companies work. It’s simply a matter of going through the motions before
accepting what they’re already anticipating. It’s as if they are saying to themselves, “Well, I
should have known better than to try.”

This is where the purpose of the book comes in. You see, in all the time I was worrying and struggling to get Infusionsoft off the ground, I was learning. The more I heard from other small business owners about what they wanted, what they needed, and what they were suffering, the more in tune I became.

I dreamed of ways to liberate and empower small business owners and their employees so they could enjoy doing business again. I envisioned ways of helping them wow their customers, and grow their companies quickly and profitably.

I wanted small business owners to feel the same passion and excitement for their companies they started out with, and to make the world a better plac ebecause they were able to serve not only their customers, but their families and communities as well.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

“I Have Pain!” The Infusionsoft Story

One day, my custom software company (eNovasys at the time) received an interesting phone
call. It was Friday afternoon and my partners and I were anticipating our weekend break. We’d
ordered pizza, and it had just arrived when the phone rang. Well, the last thing we wanted to do
was talk to anyone. Nevertheless, I decided to pick up the phone.
No sooner had I rattled off my greeting, than the man on the other end shouted, “I have PAIN!
Can you help me?” Then he paused.

Well, my mind was reeling with concerns. Was this a prank? Did this guy
even know what number he had dialed? What was I supposed to do about
someone’s pain? Shouldn’t he call a doctor?

Eventually, (after a 90-minute conversation) I got to the root of this man’s problem. What this
man, Reed Hoisington, wanted was a software program that would more effectively manage his contacts. He was trying to follow up with
his prospects and customers, but he was making a lot of mistakes. He was having
a heck of a time keeping straight leads, responders, and customers. He couldn’t
track things properly and the follow-up
was hit or miss. In other words, he was
mismanaging his business and it was causing
him pain.
The irony is, at the time of Reed’s phone call, we too had pain! Probably more pain than anyone in my company wants to admit.

Note: As you continue reading this book,
the importance of this story will become clear. You will discover how this story taught me the
one secret every small business owner must know, if they are going to achieve unbelievable success. But I’ll address that secret later. Right now, I want you to understand why this man’s declaration of “I have pain!” struck such a chord with me.

When eNovasys first began, there were four of us (me and the three founders) working out of a
small office space in the corner of a strip mall. We provided customized software to small businesses.
We built all sorts of custom software applications.

However, like many small businesses starting out, we really had no idea what we wanted to
achieve. In actuality, we had no idea whether we were going to be in business from one month
to the next. Still, we plugged away with a glimmer of hope that our budding company would become successful.

Business ownership seemed exciting at first. We let ourselves daydream about what our company
could become. I was working with close friends; and besides, we weren’t being tied down by
corporate jobs. But then almost instantly the reality set in. The amount of work required to run
a small business forced all of us to reanalyze our situation. We began spending more and more
time at the office, sometimes working through the night to get projects done. It didn’t take long
before our only option was to eat, sleep, and breathe our business.

But worse than the hours put in at the office was the stress and fear that appeared one day
and never subsided. We were worried about our product, our clients, and whether or not we’d
be paid. And in the back of our minds we were questioning whether or not we could make this
business work. We developed small business paranoia. We were constantly expecting something horrible to happen to us.

In fact, one of the founders became so agitated he lost 40 critical pounds in
a matter of months. The possibility of missing an important phone call kept
most of us from even eating during the day (not that we could afford to eat

Life had suddenly taken on a whole new meaning. I was propelled into the age-old “fight for
survival.” My friends kept asking me where “the old Clate” had gone. I rarely saw my family, and
even when I was around, Infusionsoft (we had to change the name because people were calling
us eNovices) was on my mind. I had less patience and little devotion to the things that meant so
much to me before. My mind was busy, my stress levels were increasing, and I completely forgot
what it meant to “live” my life.

Despite the raging personal battles, and almost miraculously, our company
progressed and we hired several employees to help us manage the work.
But as we expanded, rather than finding more time, additional business,
and helpful solutions, we found ourselves wrapped up in more problems!

For one thing, in order to keep the company growing, we needed more money. A lot more money.
The two founders and I invested our personal savings into building and growing our company.
Multiple mortgages were taken out on homes. We leveraged whatever financial outlets we
had, yet we slipped further and further into personal debt. Still it wasn’t enough. We were continually
panicked about being able to pay the bills.

On a couple of occasions, I had to approach our employees and explain we couldn’t make payroll.
To their credit, they stuck it out and worked hard to help us get through the tough times.
And of course, the founders and I often went months without seeing any money.

But even as we tried to budget and gave up our own income, the money would run out, and the
creditors would come calling.

I felt particular embarrassment one night when my son asked, “Dad, why are you so

“Because a freakin’ creditor called me on a Sunday!” I snapped at him.

The next question was, “What did he want?”

“He wanted to know why I hadn’t paid my bills.”

“Well Dad, did you tell him it’s because you haven’t made enough sales?”

How often had I said that? And how could I explain to my eight-year-old
son the depth of the financial situation we were in? What lessons was I
teaching him? And how could I bear to watch him go without…because I
wasn’t succeeding?

I wasn’t the only one depending on the next sale. As one of Infusionsoft’s founders sat in the
hospital with his wife and brand new child, he was on the phone closing a deal. When his irritated wife berated him, he looked down at his brand new baby and said, “You want to be able to afford the hospital bills, right?”

Now don’t think we didn’t try to find other
means of financing our endeavors. All my
pride was completely dissolved as I groveled
at the feet of bankers. Each time we
were rejected. I insisted they could trust
me to pay my obligation. But they all
shook their heads saying they’d heard that
story before. If ever a man felt completely
overwhelmed and humbled, I was that man.

I’m trying to present this information
as undetached and factual as
I can, but its impossible. My entire
life was wrapped up in a love/
hate relationship with a draining,
consuming company.

I think the worst part of this struggle was
seeing the frustration and fear in my wife’s eyes. It was killing to me to know I could be providing
my family with a much better life (if I was only willing to give up this crazy dream). Not only
was the company struggling to survive, I was struggling to balance my vision with harsh realities.
I would stare at the computer screen and try to wish away the debt, the long hours, and
the stress. But somehow I pressed on. We pressed on. Of course, I didn’t feel like I had much

The truth was, without the business I had no idea what I was going to do.
After just a few short months, we’d invested so much time, money, and
effort into the company that failure would have been the ultimate devastation.
So every day we trudged through one challenge after another, spending
long hours at projects that may or may not bring in revenue.

Finally, the clouds started to break, and we knew Infusionsoft was going to be around for a

Ultimately, we formed and perfected our business plan as we went along. We took care of problems
as they came up because we simply didn’t have the time to plan for the future. So, for the
first few years of our inception, Infusionsoft was hanging by a very thin thread. Fortunately we
moved past the majority of our problems.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask

Sitting on the Edge of Success

Let me ask you something. Do you ever feel as if you are sitting on the edge of greatness? As if
there is something holding you back from being the phenomenal business owner you are capable
of being? You read all the books about owning and operating a company. You listen to all the stories

about small businesses becoming big businesses. You might know people who are living the
life you set out to live yourself, but you just can’t quite get there. You feel as if your business is
just waiting to explode. If only you could do something to make that leap from being the overwhelmed
business owner to the unbelievably successful entrepreneur

Well, this book will provide you with the knowledge you need to reach new
heights. This book is for those small business owners that have been working
to grow their companies and feel as if they are sitting on the edge of
success. This book is going to give you the strategies you need to double
your sales.
But, these strategies have not come easily. The success secrets I’m going to share with you have been the result of years of struggle.

 © 2008 By Clate Mask


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